It's A Scandalous Affair

Welcome To The Greatest Show

Waverly Owls should keep their wandering eyes to themselves

Joie Bell stepped out of the yellow cab that had brought her to the green lush of Waverly Academy. Its cobblestone paths and ivy touched, redbrick buildings. The front office was smaller then it's surrounding structures and had a sign signifying its purpose. All of the other kids were spilling out of luxury vehicles like Escalades and Mercedes. Well her mother was all the way in California, where Joie would've been if it was safer. That’s what her mother said at least. And she denied her Stepfather's offer to travel here with her. It was only so Jenna could come and shop in New York. The only one who she would’ve had bring her was Alex, but her brother was off on tour again.

With a sigh, she lifted her duffle bag onto her shoulder and held her knapsack in her opposite hand.

"Hi I'm Joie Bell. New student in the teaching program." She said to the pouty women at the New Student Check-In counter. The women studied her before typing into the Mac in front of her. She asked her to spell out her name "J-o-i-e."

"Yes we have you here. But this says they sent your things to the Richards dorm." Joie didn't see the problem.

"That’s a boy's dorm, Sweetie.” The woman clarified with a slow tone, “ Just go there and tell one of the staff to help your bags to Dumbarton room 302."

"Yes. Thank you so much." She nodded and fixed her bag on her shoulder before leaving that office and stepping into a spread out crowd of new arrivals.

She took out her map that was sent to her and weaved through the people to reach Richard's dorm. Right then is when she finally thought about this. Why the hell would they put my things into a boy's dorm? , she thought. Whatever. Joie took the three steps up in her red Chuck Taylor's and proceeded through the glass doors.
Right when she walked through the door, Brandon Buchanan knew this girl was new to Waverly.


Being back at Waverly wasn't all too thrilling for Brandon. In all honesty, last year hadn't given him much to come back to. Stupid, dirty Easy Walsh had stolen his girlfriend of two years right from under him. At an off campus party he caught the two sucking face in the bathroom. Dude, how fucked up. Oh and to top that off, he was informed he would have to room with sleazy Heath Ferro again. Goody. And there the douche was, sitting on one of the lobby couches.

"Howdy princess" He tossed a pillow at Brandon as he sat down. "Have a nice summer?"

"Better than being here." Brandon muttered somewhat bitterly. Not that that had fazed Heath.

"Tell me about it. If I didn't wanna go to a good out-of-the-country college I wouldn’t be here."

"Oh so you do plan on college?" Brandon asked both genuinely and sarcastically.

"Fuck you. I could be in Nantucket right now, screwing the brains out of some chick."

"Nice to know." Brandon grimaced at the new information

"Yep. I brang me two cartoons, though" Heath showed the corner of a Kools pack. Brandon didn’t bother telling his room mate that the correct term was ‘brought.’ Like he was actually process the information. He wasn’t the listening type but sure as hell could talk. Brandon wasn’t much of a speaker, but could listen to anyone’s heartfelt stories when they were down. He was just a nice guy like that. And as of now, he was a nice guy with a torn heart.

“Too bad that’ll only last a week.” He sighed, looking across the lobby to see what kind of kids Waverly had this year. He wondered how many seniors would be like him, have the same situations he did. He wished on every one of them to experience what he did. Love, loss, happiness, heartbreak, confusion.

He let his sight land on a somewhat large pile of suitcases on the ground. Why they were all over the ground and not on a cart he didn’t know. Whoever owned the bags had brought a lot in guy standards. Brandon, being a heavy packer himself, even thought of the load as big.

After a while, he grew tired of pretending to listen to Heath’s sexcapades. He wasn’t able to block him out and it was beginning to be a bother. Then again, it was Heath. He let his almond brown eyes travel to the front doors and that’s when he saw her. Decked out with an Ed Hardy trucker hat and bright red Converse she was so out of place without even knowing it. Just trying to be plain with her white tank top and destroyed skinny jeans in a place so demanding.

“Heath, look. Over there.” Brandon muttered to the blonde. He didn’t need to clarify who because Heath immediately picked up on the odd ball.

“Damn. Look at that ass.” And to think Heath would actually say something not involving sex.

“Wonder what she’s doing here” Brandon said, ignoring the last statement said.

“And where the hell she’s from. Maybe some rinky dink town. Waverly girls don’t dress like that! C’mon, you’ve never seen some chick ever put on a hat!”

After some more chatter about the mysterious new girl, she had turned their way. Brandon cast his gaze somewhere else, knowing that Heath didn’t. He heard her footsteps follow to where they were muttering to herself.

“It makes no sense to send girls luggage to a damn boys dorm. And here I was thinking this was a good place”

Brandon wanted to laugh at her statement, but thought better of it. He didn’t need her thinking he was strange. Instead, he introduced himself to the pretty brunette.

“Hi.” He managed to get her attention, “I’m Brandon Buchanan.”


Joie smiled genuinely at the beautiful boy in front of her. His hair was a few shades brighter than her own and his face was so…perfect. He resembled a Barbie doll, in her opinion. Pretty, she decided, was what he was. Like Taylor Lautner. Pretty.

“Hey. I’m Joie.” She shook the hand that he extended, much rather wanting a hug instead although she just met him. She was one of those physical people. It ran in her family.

“Isn’t that a boy’s name?” Heath asked stupidly, making Brandon want to slap him. No one, obviously, had taught the retard basic manners.

Joie laughed. “Exactly. It’s spelled J-o-i-e, though. My mom thought is was cute and I can’t complain.” She shrugged.

“So what brings you here?”

“Waverly or to a boy’s dorm?” She asked with that wide smile of hers. Brandon took notice of the dimples in her cheeks. It was cute.


“Well I’m here for the Return Student Mentor Teach machigger Program. My mom’s idea so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to help be a teacher for this year. And for some unbeknownst reason they sent my bags here. I’m supposed to be in…” She checked the packet the lady gave her, the name of her dorm scribbled on, “Dumbarton.”

“That’s right across the way. Considered our sister dorm actually.” The boy known as Brandon told her with a small chuckle. The shaggy blonde beside him had yet to say anything. Instead, she saw him scan her body more than once.

“Awesome. We’ll have to bond sometime then. Right now I have to make sure my stuff gets to my room.”

“Okay.” He stood up like a gentleman, “ I’ll see you later?”

“You can bet on it.”

“Actually, how ‘bout we see you tonight?” The blonde spoke up, whipping out his Blackberry storm and texting someone.

“Honey, you haven’t even told me your name.” She teased.

“I’m Heath.” He smirked. “So what time will we be seeing you?”

She quirked one of her eyebrows and him and lifted half her mouth into a half grin. She liked his cocky attitude, as weird as it seems. The contrast in the two boys personalities were evident but she found both cute. Heath was actually sexy even.

“What time do you need me?”

“Let’s try eight.”

“I’ll see you at nine.” She smirked and grabbed the two bags she came with while the dorm bell boys got the rest that littered the ground.

♠ ♠ ♠
i know i shouldn't have but when i was on Quizilla, this was my newest one!
I loved it a lot so I'm adding it.

Give me opinions please and suscribe.


Other Things to read:
_This is my little creation from The It Girl Novels by Cecily Von Zeigsar. read them!
_ Joie
_This is a Jonas Brothers fan fiction. They Appear later.
_The little chat thing at the bottom is the school chat.
_Read more on my tumblr. (once I make a post. hehe)