It's A Scandalous Affair

A Whole New World

A Waverly Owl shouldn't be jealous, expecially if it wasn't anything of their's to begin with.

The sound of her phone was muffled, but she felt the vibrations coming from her LX underneath her stomach as she lay in the warm bed. She let the song play until she familiarized it with ‘Teenage Dirtbag’. Alex’s ringtone. She, against what her body wanted, pressed the talk button and walked out into the hallway, being considerate of her room mate. The room mate she had yet to see.

“Hello” She answered quietly, standing barefoot in the hallway. No one was up yet and the sun was barely showing through gray clouds.

“Did I wake you, JB?” She heard her brother say.

“Yes, Stupid. But since it’s you I got up. Where are you?”

“We’re in London and I am bored out of my mind.”

“What is it, past noon?” She asked with a smile, trailing her hand along the wall as she walked.

“Yes. And when you’re in a band like me, you don’t know what to do with your day time. It’s unnatural to be awake when the sun is out.”

“Isn’t that the life I’d love to live,” She sighed.

“Don’t worry, Jay. It won’t be that bad. Didn’t you text me about a party last night?”

“Yeah, it was lame, Ace. Since they were sneaking, there was no music. They had warm beer in mugs and nothing to eat.” Joie sat on the table beside the window where a vase of hydrangeas.

“And I’m guessing you’re going to change that, Joie? I mean, you wouldn’t be a Gaskarth if you didn’t,”

“Last time I checked I was never a Gaskarth,” I teased.

“All about that heart, Jay. Me and you together are as thick as thieves,” He told her and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Which is exactly why you need to get back to America to rescue me for a weekend.”

“Of course. Now, tell me about the boys ‘cause I know you attract them like bees.”

I laughed, “I met two. Polar opposites. Heath reminds me of you and Zack.”

“He’s sexy and super intelligent?”

“No. Well he’s sexy all right. He’s a whore.”

“Whores are good friends. You can see how happy Jack makes me.”

“Of course. You guys are the ultimate fuck buddies. I wish I could have a relationship that great”

“Yeah.---Wait no. You aren’t allowed to have a Jalex relationship. This guy isn’t your fuck buddy is he?”

“Well you see, Alexander Dear. I have to get ready for class. We’ll chat later”

“Joie Marie Bell-” He began but she cut him off.

“I love you” She giggled before hanging up. She giggled once again, hopping off of the table. She no longer felt as though she needed to lay back down so a shower was next on her agenda. She tried to be her quietest as she turned the handle of the door. All this strained quietness was a wasted cause though, because Callie Vernon hadn’t even touched her bed.


She woke up for no reason in particular in her boyfriend’s arms. Looking at her phone, she saw it was 7:25. Class started at eight o’clock. Class for those who aren’t in college, yet are done with high school. It seemed stupid, and it probably was. But something about being here made Callie feel powerful. Waverly Academy was her domain. It had been the years she’d been here and it would be here this year. She would run it while she wasn’t even attending. In her eyes, that was golden.

She didn’t care for why she was here. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to go to college. Struggling and hard work had never even bothered Callie before. No, the only hard work she’d done was keeping Easy hers [\i]. Manipulation, schemes, tricks. It was all wroth it though, wasn’t it? Even if she didlose a best friend in the fight.


Once she had completed a full beauty sweep, Joie was ready to leave. Her skin was refreshed thanks to Clean&Clear, and her signature smell of Love Spell was spritzed where need be. She smiled to herself in the mirror for a moment, before breaking out in silly faces. It was the intercoms outside, announcing that it was ten minutes until classes started, that stopped her. She breathed a shaky breath and grabbed her key, walking out the dorm.

There were girls skittering all through the halls. Mini skirts, Gucci handbags, Minolos. To say she was out of place was evidently an understatement. Joie was wearing Converse in a hallway full of stilettos. It was…new to her; to be so out of place. She’s been seen as the weirdest in a group and noticed for that, but never anything like this.

The first moment of observation she felt stupid. But soon, she realized it was silly. These girls were dressed with Marc Jacobs dresses and Prada purses. How…exclusive was this school? Better yet, how ridiculous. It’s dressing up to read an English book all day.

She sighed, sticking a piece of gum in her mouth and going in search of Conference room A24. She found it’s building a full eight minutes later two buildings away from the front office. It was located on the second floor, which had a balcony overlooking the soccer field and a few class buildings. There were kids looking groggy, others looking jittery and appeared to be hurrying to get to their classrooms before the bell.

She breathed in a sigh and used the hand that wasn’t holding her phone to open the door. She didn’t expect the loud buzz of too many voices speaking at once. The chatter seemed to immediately annoy her. She walked in to see a long conference table, people her age seated all around it. From the amount, she figured there was another room holding the same conference. Her mother had told her many kids were doing this.

She looked around and spotted Brandon waving to her. A smile spread across her face and she walked over and sat in the chair beside him.

“Sup?” She smiled.

“Eh, nothing. Surprised I actually slept good last night.”

“How could you not? The beds are what---California Kings?” They shared a laugh.

“No, it’s just Heath was wasted and singing old Prince songs. Somewhere in between ‘Kiss’ I dozed off.” The mental picture had Joie reeling. Her laughter in the room full of noise didn’t seem out of place. It seemed to Joie as if no one noticed her presence. But that truly wasn’t the case.

Benny Cunningham spotted the random brunette as she walked in. She didn’t miss a beat as she finished what she’d been talking about and started to explain the new girl.

“I couldn’t believe she had the nerve to still buy that trashy dress after we’d already explained how it looked slutty and check out the children’s toy with the red Converse. Not at once.” She told the group of people she was speaking to. She was dressed like a five year old, Benny thought.
With conspicuous glances, they all examined the girl sitting next to Brandon Buchanan. Ryan Reynolds smirked.

“She’s hot. Who is she?”

Benny rolled her wide brown eyes before responding. “Never seen her before. I dunno.”
Her best friend Sage Francis popped her gum and shrugged. “Who cares?”

“Obviously Brandon.” Benny answered her. Her crush on him since ninth grade hadn’t actually lost it’s momentum yet. She still found his blemish free face and smooth body perfect. But Brandon hadn’t found mutual interest in the biggest gossiper he’d ever met. Benny’s addiction to everyone’s business was as unattractive to Brandon has facial hair. The fact that Brandon was never ga-ga over her but was laughing full heartedly as the new girl made some ridiculous face may have made her just a tad bit bitter.

“Whoever she is, she better learn some social order.” Sage scoffed, feeling the building tension within Benny.

“I thought that was high school stuff,” Ryan said.

Benny gave him a blank stare.

“Take a look around, Ry.”

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for taking so long. I've been on punishment!
But today's our last day before Christmas break and I didn't have to go to school today. =) Props to my mommy<3

I know it might seem boring to some because Joe hasn't came into place, but don't worry, he's in next chapter.

Muchh lovvee;;