It's A Scandalous Affair

No Go On the GNO

Waverly Owls should know that rude first impressions leave no room for friendship

Thank God it’s Friday was all Joie could think. She’d endured long pointless meetings, an eight hour soccer try out, a shitload of stares, and Heath’s lame innuendos. Not that she too much minded his lame innuendos.

And all that worry she had about her room mate was irrelevant; Callie didn’t like her. Honestly, it wasn’t hard to depict. The whole encounter went something like this:

“Who the hell are you?”

“Um…Joie Bell. Callie?”


“Uh, hi. I’m your new room mate.”

“Hm. You don’t look like a geek. Good enough.”

If she hadn’t promised she’d be good to her mom, Callie would probably not have a perfect little upturned nose right now. But bold actions like that got her where she was now. So she was in desperate attempt to act as carefree as possible.

But to hell with that, today was Friday. She was done with the week of doing nothing. On Monday she’d be in classes with the students and helping out the teachers. Her and her partner she’d be assigned would even be teaching some classes on their own. That excited Joie.

She was currently in her room, Callie on the other side. It was silent; neither one acted as if the other existed. And being completely honest, it wasn’t that hard to do. Not until Joie began to giggle uncontrollably. She was on a writing website reading a TMI thread and laughing her ass off.

Callie’s lip twitched at the laughing fits. She was trying to read this weeks e-mails she hadn’t checked and the unexpected chuckles from Joie were beginning to erk her. As she tried to block out the noise and read a message from Benny, she was surprised.

Benny wanted to invite Joie to the sleep over?


Callie hit reply and fiercely typed her friend back.

WTF. Why?

A minute later Benny replied.

It’s a nice thing to do. C’mon, we need to know who we’re dealing with here.

Yeah, right, Callie thought. Joie was pretty, but she was so damn weird and…normal. Or actually, different. She wasn’t geeky or dorky, and wasn’t preppy or chic. She didn’t fit in any category here. And she totally wasn’t competition. Seriously, the girl wore Converse. Easy was the only one that Callie knew who wore those and if it were anyone else, it’d be lame. But even if Easy was scruffy or a little dirty, he was sosexy. That cleared everything else up.

Shrugging when she figured it really didn’t matter, Callie agreed. She swiveled away from her computer desk to turn to Joie.

“Um, Joie?” Her voice faked the friendly sweetness she used on many occasions.

The bright eyed girl turned around, puzzled. Good, Callie thought, she knows I have no intentions of being friends. “Sup?”

The word made Callie’s painted on smile falter a little. “Uh, I’m hosting a sleep over tonight and my friends thought it would be cool if you came. Since you’re new and everything.”

The words going through Joie’s mind were fairly simple: What The Hell?
Why was Callie inviting her to a sleep over. She let pictures of what it could possibly look like in her head. A bunch of girls in silk pajamas, gossiping non stop and eating froyo. No thanks.

“Oh, no. I have plans with the guys.” She smiled as nicely as she could.

“Guys?” Callie questioned, looking as if she needed clarification.

“Uh, yeah.” Joie knew she wanted names but that wasn’t about to happen. She apologized before turning back around to check the time. 8:24. Those girls would be here any minute and she didn’t want to be here when they got here.

She quickly signed onto the Waverly Chat like Joe had showed her since she didn’t have his number. She smiled as she found his name and typed a message. She liked Joe. Of course, she liked Brandon and Heath also; they were all great guys to be around, each one different from the other.

Joe was funny and goofy from what she’d seen this week. He seemed to always smile and sometimes when he was paying special attention to one of Ms. Markin’s lectures, he got this totally focused look on his face that she couldn’t help but observe. It was cute.

Brandon was beautiful, inside and out. She felt kind of weird standing next to him as he was immaculate and pretty. Like he should be a model and she was just a kid on the street. But of course she didn’t discourage herself; he was a great person. More quiet, but definitely nice to talk to.

And then there was Heath. He was a John Tucker, a seducer, a sexy sin. But for some reason, she loved him. It might’ve been his useless attempts to make her blush or his sex appeal; but in all honesty, she thought he was adorable. Funny because, Heath Ferro, if anything, was not adorable.

JoieBell: Hey. =)
I was wondering if you were busy; I know it’s SUPER last minute but I needa get outta here.

JoeJonas: Heck no I’m not busy. Of course we can hang out! Come over; we’re bored!

She giggled, typing ‘okay’. She looked at the boy shorts and tee shirt she was wearing, decided to put something else on. Going through her dresser, she found a pair of denim shorts and a Bob Marley T-shirt. Slipping on her converse and putting her hair into a ponytail, she was ready. Second thinking it, she turned to Callie.

“I’ll, uh, be back…later.” She said, not really caring as Callie stared at her. With those words, she left the room and skipped to Richard’s dorm.

“Joie’s here.” Joe announced as he opened the door and smiled at him.

“Sup?” She smiled back holding out her arms for a hug. He looked surprised, but hugged her back nonetheless. They walked back inside the room, spotting Heath strewn over his bed and Brandon folding up some clothes.

“Hey, beautiful people.” She smiled, hopping onto Heath. He grunted, lifting his arms to her sides and throwing her off, rolling on top of her.

“You shouldn’t do that, Joie.” He said, his voice a whisper, she tried not to laugh but couldn’t help it. She tried to get away but he grabbed her arms so she called for Joe. In a moment, Heath was off and Joe had him in a head lock. The scene made Joie double over with laughter as the two boys wrestled. It finally stopped when Heath surrendered. They all sat around smiling for a moment before Brandon spoke.

“What brings you over, Joie?”

“Callie’s having a slumber party?”

“Not invited to the priss club?” Heath smirked and she stuck out her tongue.

“No. She asked and I said no. None of these girls are exactly friendly.” She said, recalling the looks a brunette had given her the other day when she was on her way to her dorm. It was sort of confusing why anyone would have a problem with her; she hadn’t done anything.

“Tell me about it.” Joe snorted.

“So, I figured I’d come over here to see if you guys were up for anything.” She smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Eh, I dunno. You guys know your way around, don’t you? I’m so friggin’ starved.” She complained, laying down on the ground next to where I was sitting. So cute, Joe thought, that he couldn’t say no.

“Some guys were going to that new strip club.” Heath said.

“No, you Nutball!” Joe threw a pillow. “She doesn’t want to go to a strip club. God, I swear there is something wrong inside your head.”

“It’s fine; he’s Heath” Joie patted Joe’s arm and said it like it was reason enough, which it was.

“I—” She began but got cut off my her phone played ‘Take Me On The Floor’. Flipping it open she quickly read the text, smiling. She looked up at the boys with a smirk. “How do you guys feel about a concert?”
♠ ♠ ♠
This update took way too long for it to be this wackk. I'll probably have another update done by tonight. I'm updating all of my stories this weekend or at least I'm sure as hell going to try.

[url=] Brin Back Mibba Awards, hear of them yet?

Not saying this story, but it'd be the best if one of my stories were nominated. =) I've lalready nominated some people of my own. =)

Anywhoo, vote for all your favorite stories there!
