Status: The Prologue is here... New chapters will be sporadically posted.


Eighteen-year-old Callie Christholm's life is about to be turned upside down. Her Aunt Lucy and Uncle George have died in a car crash, leaving their seventeen-year-old daughter Imogene alone in the world. When Imogene moves in with Callie, the latter has no idea that Imogene's strange friends are really... vampires.

As the seductive dark world of the immortals pulls Imogene in, Callie is left floundering in the wake. Soon, though, it becomes apparent that the vampires aren't as nice as they seem, and Imogene is in danger.

Callie will do anything to bring her cousin back from the night. Even if it means sacrificing herself to the Prince of the Night himself, Ambrose Purcell.
  1. Prologue
    The Night has claimed her....
  2. One
    Imogene has arrived, and she's definitely changed.