Our Time Now


'We are beggining our descent into Seattle International Airport. We request that all passengers return to their seats, have their trays in the up-right and locked position, and have their seat belts securely fatened. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the flight.'

I sighed. This is just great. The second time someone in my family has died in a car related accident. First my parents, which caused me to live with my grandparents. Now, my grandparents,which caused me to have to stay with my Aunt Mary-Ann. Now, I'm on a plane to Washington so that I could live with my Uncle Cooper. I guess this is for the better. I would much rather live with Coop rather than Aunt Mary-Ann. Me and Coop were only a few years apart, so he was more of an older brother than an uncle.

The rest of the flight I spent contemplating whether moving to Washington was the right desicion or not. I feel like I was just completely ripped from my old life, but, then again, now I didn't have to deal with the fake sympathy from everyone back in New York.

When the plane landed, I wasted no time getting off the plane. I rushed to the baggage claim and gathered my bags. Once I had my bags, I ran to the greeting area to find Coop.

"Alexandra Somer!" My favorite uncle shouted, putting emphasis on my first name.
"Cooper Somer!" I yelled back in a teasing manner, running over to hug him.

When we released eachother, we decided to save our conversation for the long car ride back to Forks.

"So, Alex, how've you been? I know Mary-Ann isn't the best person in the world." Coop asked me as we pulled out of the parking lot.
"Eh, I'm survivng. But, I don't really want to talk about my life right now. How about you? Finally get yourself a girlfriend?"
"Nope, you know me, Termanly Sinlge." My uncle joked back.
"Well, how about the town? Any people that seem somewhat interesting there? Or should I kiss my social life good-bye?" I asked, in a semi-serious manner. I never really cared about being popular, but I don't to hang around people with no personalitis.
"Actually, there are some pretty nice people in this town Alex. Especially the family that moved here a couple of years ago. I think their name is Cullen. They'll probably not jump on you just because your the new kid, cause they know whats its like."

I didn't hear anything he said after 'Cullen' came out of his mouth. Surely it couldn't be THEM. I had spent most of the time with my grandparents trying to forget my temporary 'foster family,' but nothing worked. I guess Cooper realized that I wasn't listening anymore because he didn't try to talk to me the rest of the car ride. I spent the time deep in thought on how impossible the chances could be. But I guess I'll find out when I start school, tommorow.
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sorry this isn't very long. I'll try and make the rest of the story longer.
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1215344 her outfit