Our Time Now

First Day

The first thought that I had the next morning was about how miserable Forks is. Almost no sunlight. EVER! This news, which Cooper told me last night, was not very settling with me. I honestly did not want to bring up the memories from my time in Alaska.The second thought was about today being my first day at Forks High School. Yeah, first day at a new school in the middle of the semester. Just great. But, according to Cooper, the kids at this school were friendly. Did he really believe that this high school was actually different from any other one in the country?

So, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for school. After I did my
make-up and got dressed, I went to grab my jewlery, but hesitated. Should
I wear the items which they gave me years ago, or, for the first time since I
was 16, go without them? I decided that the Cullens Cooper had
mentioned in the car last night couldn't be the same family. They were
probably still in Alaska, completely forgetting me.

After arguing with Cooper about my breakfast habits, I grabbed an apple and followed him out to the car. While driving to school, Cooper felt the need to talk to me about how things worked around here, as if I had never been to a high school before. When we finally arrived, he to me to be careful, have fun, and that he would pick me up at 3:30.

That morning was a blur. One long, yappy blur. Sure, I met some nice people, who I am now supposed to sit with at lunch. But I feel like they just wanted to be close with the "new girl", like I'm some shiny new toy! Still, I shouldn't complain, they were being nice and open.

Walking into lunch with Jess and Mike was interesting. Mike trying to grab my attention and attempting to flirt with me. Jess trying to gain Mike's attention. But both of them would try to ask me why I had moved here. Honestly, I was getting sick of being asked why I moved here. Why can't these people just accept that I moved here and now go to school here? After I sat at the table, I figured that I couldn't rely on these guys for anything. They ended up running off fighting who had met and spoke to me first.

When the boys left, I got to actually talk with Jess and Angela. Apparently there was supposed to be a feature about me for the school paper, but Eric said that they wouldn't run it when I ahd told him that I didn't want any special attention. So, Angela, Jess and I were brainstorming different ideas for editorials that thwy could run. We were in the middle of discussing speedo-padding on the swim team when the cafeteria doors opened again.

I saw them walk in and almost went into shock. I guess I looked confused because Jess felt to need to lean over and explain who they were. As if I didn't already know them. She explained how Rosalie and Emmet, Alice and Jasper we all couples. Also, she had explained how the last one, Edward, kept to himself and that apparently none of the girls from town were good enough for him.

'Oh, Edward. Will you ever change?'
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SORRY!!! I know i don't update very often, but i will try to update more!
