A Deadly Romance

A Deadly Romance

I saw him....waiting in the dark...I could his eyes watching...I wanted to go over to him...be with him...touch him.....kiss him..But,I knew all to well of what he was. Yes,I knew..he thought I didn't but,I knew......he was a vampire. It all started three days ago at my best friends 16th birthday party.....Maigen was getting ready to blow out the candles. When we hear tires squeal. We all look up in shock as a pitch black convertable spins by. We all stare in horror as the car smashes into a wall. We all ran over to the burning car. Amazingly the driver climbed out of the car,unscratched. We all stare as he walks away. I can't look away from his face it was horroribly beautiful. It was so pale,yet beautifully sclupted. Before he walks away completly he turns and looks me right inthe eyes. I feel warm inside,I want to follow him but my frinds are pulling me away. As I turn the corner I take one last glance at his direction. He's frowning,almost sad in away. He slowly turns away,alomst like he's waiting for me to come. We resume the party like nothing happened. Well,everyone hoped to forget it. Everyone did,expect me. I couldn't forget his face. I dreamed about it everynight. I went on with my life,it was almost a week since the incidence. I lay in bed that night ,wishing he was here. It was weird I had never wished he was here before....hmmm..just then I heard a noise outside. I walked to the window and to my surpised to see Him there. His lovely face looking up at me,smiling. I smiled back,itwas as if he could here my thoughts. Let me in...."huh?" I said. Did I just hear him in my head? Let me in.....it was him. He can hear my thoughts?!? ok..I thought....I will...thanks. "I must be dreaming." I say. I open the window and he jumps from the ground up to the window sill in a flash. I'm glad I'd didn't blink. "You're not." He says with a smile. I smile some more. "let's sit down?" he says. I say,"sure." We sit on the bed imediatly he pushes me on the bed and kisses me on the lips. At first I fight but then I relax and enjoy it. He kissed me harder and I felt his tounge in my mouth and I enjoyed it. His hands went from my face to my shoulders to my chest to my hips..I was moaning in pleasure. he then went to kiss my neck. I felt great,I wanted more. Then I heard a knock on the door.."Ariel! What's happening in there!?! I heard moaning! I ssomeone trying to hurt you!?!" My dad screamed. He pulled from my neck and looked in my eyes. I looked back,they were filled with anger...I will be back tomarrow to finsh what I started.."What?" I ask. "Nothing." He says quickly. He kisses me one more time and jumps out the window. I stay on the bed looking at the ceiling...."Ariel?! What's happening in there?!?!" I snap out of my dreamy state and open the door."Ari-" He stops as I open the door. " Were you doing in there?" he looks furious. "Nothing." I say. He looks in the room,no one's there. "I swear I heard moaning..." He says and walks off. I close my door and lay on my bed and wonder..what did he mean come back and finish waht I started? I didn't know but I did know I was about to find out.