A Deadly Romance

A Deadly Romance Chapter 2

I wake up screaming from a horrible dream. I hear knocking on my door and scream some more. I don't want to die,I don't want to die. I see someone come into my dark room. I scream and scream and scream. Then the lights come on...and it's my dad. I stop screaming. "My dad looks at me like i'm crazy,he always did when I screamed. "Are you ok?" Dad said,staring at me. "Yeah...I guess I had a bad dream..." I say. "Why are you sraring at me?" I say. "Are you having a mental breakdown again?" Dad asked like he already knew the answer. "No!" I say,not again. "Okay. But I'll be watchin you." He said and laughed like it was funny. It wasn't. "Haha...yeah." i say. I get dressed,hoping that last night didn't happen and it was all a horrible dream and I was asleep right now....It wasn't a dream...It was real..no it wasn't!..I thought. Oh yes it is..I must be dreaming..no..he thought...I'm going crazy..I thought...maybe..He thought..where are you? I ask..Oh outside your window...you do look nice naked...mm...I look over at my window in horror to see him there..laughing ans smiling. I stiffle a scream. No I'm not going back there. I trough on some clothes quickly. My window was open,yet I remember closing it...He slides in gracefully,I stare in wonder. He walked up to me and kissed me. I fight,I'm not falling for it again. He over powers me,I can't resist. He let's go and smiles. "Remember now?" I do unforunatly. I need to get away. "Now to finish it off.." He says quietly. He dips me back and kisses my neck and I feel a sharp pain. I scream and I push him off. He stares in wonder. I feel my neck,it's bleeding. I scream louder. "Stop screaming!" He says in rage. I stop,I hear running feet on the stairs. He jumps out the window and vanishes. I'm left with a bleeding neck. My dad brusts into the room and takes one look at my neck and says. "You're going to the hospital." I scream,"No! No! Not there again! I'm not carzy! I'm not crazy!" he runs down stairs to call an ambulance. I look out the window. I fee my neck again. It stopped bleeding,I feel woozy. I walk over to the window,the fall is pretty far. Three stories,wow. I then thought about it,"hm.." I say. I hear him coming back up. I jump.