A Deadly Romance

A Deadly Romance Chapter 3

"Honey? Are you okay?...Please wake up....We all love you no matter what you do....please wake up...She might not wake up...What are you saying? I'm saying she might be dead with in the hour...Oh God!" I open my eyes till they are slits,then open them wider...everything is white. Am I dead? Then the white fades and I see black blurs around me,then everything painfully focuses in. I first notice the wires and tubes that surrounded me then my dad,mom(surprisingly),the doctor,a nurse,and the vampire stared at me with surprised looks. I feel a sharp pain and everything turns black. I wake up and snap up in my bed to see just my dad next to me,I relax. My dad smiles and says. "We're all glad you woke up...we thought you'd be in that coma forever...it was weeks..we're so happy you're not dead!" My dad tried to hug through the tubes and wires then settles for my hand. I stare into space. Weeks? I thought I was going to die,that's why I jumped. But I'm here barely alive... I look at my dad and he smiles. "Gerard will be back soon...he went to get coffee for us,he'll be happy to see you awake!" It takes a few minutes for the info to reach my brain then it hits me. "Who?" I ask,puzzled. "Gerard..the pale boy! he said he's your boyfriend..I'm so happy you have a boyfriend..it's been awhile since the last one.." He looks at my white face and says. "Well..I'm happy for you two." The vampire is my boyfriend? I smile,he smiles,everything goes black.