A Deadly Romance

A Deadly Romance Chapter 4

I opened my eyes to see Gerard's smiling face, I groaned and rolled over. "Wakie,Wakie sleepy head." He said in a sing-song voice while gently shaking me. I sat up and felt a wave of pain. He laughed and pushed me back down. I glared at him, I couldn't believe he told my dad that he was my boyfriend! He leaned down t hug me,I tried to get away but he got me. "I'm so happy you're awake!" He said through my hair. "I thought you never would." He while pulling away and looking deep into my eyes. "Non of us did." He said looking down at his hands. "It was stupid of you to try and kill yourself by jumping out that window, you should of known that I would save you." He looked into my eyes again. I gave him a confused look. "What would you save me from?" I asked him in an angry tone. He looked hurt. "Well from anything of coarse." He said with sadness in his voice. "That's why I'm going to take you to my place so your dad can't take you to the mental hospital." I must of looked shocked because he said this, What did you think I was taking you there for?" He asked curiously. I glared at him. "Well I don't know, maybe you were going to take me there to kill me!?! You're a fucking vampire for Christ's sake!" I screamed in a sarcastic voice. He looked at me with shock and hurt. "I would never kill you." he whispered through tears. "i love you." He said as his tears fell on my blanket. "Then why did you try to kill me in my bedroom?!?! By sucking my neck!" I screamed at him, I dd;t care he was crying, he was a lying of coarse. "I wasn't trying to kill you, I was trying to turn you into a vampire." He said through more tears. "So we could be together forever." he said and let out a sob. I was shocked. "I-I love you" he said again. I realized that I loved him too. "I love you too." I whispered to him, he looked up with hope in his eyes. "Really?" He asked. "Really." I said with tears forming in my once dry eyes. He hugged me through all the wires and tubes, I tried my best to hug him back. He ten kissed my neck gently, sending chills down my spine.