Hells Angel

Part 10. We Knew It'd Happen Eventually.

“What?” Avery asked, her eyes snapping open.

Jacob nodded. “Yeah. I'm... Well, we technically call it a 'shape shifter' but the cliché term is 'werewolf' because we...shape shift into wolves,” he told her.

Avery looked at him, amused, before she busted out laughing. She rolled over onto her back, still laughing, and she shook her head. “You're hysterical, Jacob.”

“I... It's not a joke, Avery. I mean, you wanted me to be honest—“

“Seriously, Jacob? I'm not an idiot,” she told him, sitting up, still smiling. “Nice try though.”

“You don't believe me?” Jacob asked.

She sent him a look. “Not at all. I mean, I don't know if you're mocking me or... No. You are really trying to make me laugh with this.”

“I'm not mocking you! I was being honest!” he said, standing up and wiping off his clothes. “And what progress.”

“I'm no fool, Jacob,” she said.

He reached out a hand and helped her up. “You say you know when people are lying to you. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me I'm lying?” he asked.

Avery looked down at her shoes. “I should get headed home.”

“It's going to rain any minute,” Jacob told her, looking up at the sky. Sure enough, raindrops started to fall, one by one.

“I'm not afraid of the rain,” Avery whispered, lifting her head up and allowing the drops to fall on her face. The rain was cold and refreshing.

“Storms are headed our way, Avery. They come on fast because of the ocean. The guys and I are going to stay at my house for a little bit,” he told her.

Avery nodded and began to walk away.

“Where are you going?”


“You don't know which way your home is,” Jacob said. “That's why you got lost.”

Avery looked back at him, an annoyed expression on her face. “What do you suggest?”

“Stay at my house until the storm dies down. Give me time to explain.”

“Explain your whole 'werewolf' story?” she asked, rolling her eyes.

“It's not a story.”

Avery sighed, crossing her arms. “Why should I believe you?” she asked, thunder rolling overhead.

“You have no reason not to.”

“So why should I?”

Jacob shrugged. “Because...there are some things in life that you just can't make up.”

She looked him over, up and down, and there was a look on his face that she couldn't quite place. It was a mixture between sadness and urgency. She nodded. “Okay. I just have to call my dad.”

“We should go before it gets worse,” he said, holding his hand out again.

She looked at his hand and then back up at his face.

“I won't bite you.”

She smiled, laughing slightly, before placing her hand in his. “Run on three?”

Jacob smiled wide. “Sure.”

“And this one is not a race,” she told him before they took off running.


“Hey guys,” Jacob said casually as he walked in the back door of his house and into the living room.

Sam looked up at him, eyes narrowing. “Hi Avery.”

Avery smiled, suddenly feeling self-conscious, and her hand fell from Jacob's. “Hi.”

“Is the rain catching up?”

Jacob nodded. “It's getting pretty bad.”

“Hey, Aves,” Quil said, walking into the room, a bag of chips in hand. “What were you two doing?”

“I was just telling her about how we're all shape shifters,” Jacob said.

Quil dropped his bag of chips. “What?”

“Jacob,” Sam started, voice dropping. “Tell me it's a joke.”

Avery rolled her eyes. “Don't tell me he's trying to suck you guys into this joke as well?”

“It's not a joke,” Seth said.

Avery just looked at him. “You all must really think I'm an idiot.”

“Seth—“ Sam began.

“No, stop Sam,” Seth told him. “I think it's about time he told her the truth, since she's his imprint and all.”

Jacob frowned. “Seth, really? I told you I'd do this on my own time.”

“Well your time is slow,” Seth said, shrugging.

Avery paused, frowning. “I'm really confused. What are you trying to say? That it's not a joke? It's real?”

Jacob sighed. “Avery, let's talk in private,” he said, his voice dropping.

“Yeah, let's talk about how fucked up this whole situation is,” Avery said, crossing her arms.

“You're mad?” Jacob asked, shocked.

“Let's talk about this in private,” she mocked, stalking back to his room and throwing the door open. She waited until he shut the door behind him before she raised her voice. “What the hell is going on?”

“I tried to tell you in the woods and you blew me off,” Jacob said.

“Because you were just like, 'oh hey, Avery, by the way I can turn into a wolf!' like you just brought up the weather or something!” Avery said, running her hands over her hair. “How did you expect me to react?”

“Honestly? A little better than this,” he replied.

Avery sucked in a deep breath, backing up and sitting on his bed. She rubbed her palms on her legs, shivering slightly. “What do you want me to say, Jacob?”

“I want you to listen and let me explain before you fly off the handle again,” Jacob said, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

“I did not fly off the handle!” she yelled.

“Like you're not right now?”

She glared up at him before. “Surely you can see why I would be upset right now.”

He nodded. “I can. And I hope you can see how uncomfortable I am with this whole situation.”

“Then why bother telling me?”

Jacob shrugged. “You deserve to know. Now can I explain?”

Avery scooted back on the bed, leaning against the wall. “Go ahead.”

“Thanks,” he said quietly before walking over and sitting next to her. “I...am not really sure where to begin.”

“When did this...whole thing happen?” she asked.

“A couple of years or so ago,” he began. “It's happened to all of us... Seth is the youngest, obviously. It's this whole legend thing dealing with our people and protecting the land. We're not supposed to tell anyone. There's a whole rival feud with...vampires.”

She looked over at him. “Vampires?” she asked, clearly unimpressed.

He smiled slightly. “Yeah. The Cullens...”

“Wait, Edward and Bella?” she asked. “I love the drama.”

“I know,” he said. “They had a daughter. Nessie. She was my imprint. And she...died a couple of months ago. Right in front of me—of us. After that, Bella and Edward left.”

“What's an imprint?”

“Basically...our version of soul mates. I guess that's the easiest way to try to describe it. It's...the one person you know you're meant to be with,” Jacob told her.

“But Nessie was an infant, wasn't she?”

“Yeah, but it's...one of those where you just feel it. It's...hard to explain,” he said.

“What happens now that she's...?”

Jacob sighed. “All the guys have their own theories. Seth thinks you just...find a new one. Which is a little insane to me because imprints are supposed to be for life. Or that's the way it was taught to us. It's also supposed to be rare. So the fact that Seth thinks I'm going to have two just goes against everything my father taught me. Sam thinks...that's it. I'm destined to be alone forever or something,” he explained. He looked over at Avery, who was staring at the ceiling, “Avery?”

“It's just...a lot to take in, Jacob,” she told him. “I mean. I don't know why you're telling me any of this. You didn't have to.”

“You wanted me to be honest. That's why I told you. I don't...run off all the time just for fun or to piss you off. Although, pissing you off is entertaining,” he added as a side note.

Avery smiled softly.

“We still have to protect our land. A few nights ago, there were Vampires around Forks...not the Cullens. We're trying to figure out what's going on now. Embry thinks that we should call Bella and Edward—see what they know. But I'm not sure if I can do that. I called Bella a few weeks ago...she doesn't want to talk to me.”

“Does this mean no more running off without an explanation?”

Jacob nodded. “Absolutely.”

“And I'm sworn to secrecy?”

“Pinkie promises might be included.”

She smiled softly. “So you turn into a wolf?”


“Hmm,” she mused, shaking her head. “So, like, you really turn into a wolf?”

Jacob laughed. “Yes. And when we're in our wolf forms, we can pretty much read each others thoughts.”

“How unfortunate,” she murmured.

Jacob watched her for a couple of minutes as a comfortable silence found its way over them. He reached his hand out to cover hers. He laced their fingers together and could practically hear her heart start beating faster.

“You're so warm.”

“Freakishly high body heat,” he told her simply.

She looked up at him and instinctively scooted a little bit closer. “It's nice.”

“Hey Aves?”


“Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now?”
♠ ♠ ♠
This quicker update is for Katelyn. I was going to wait until after I studied for finals but, hey, the last "cliffhanger" was mean. So how do you feel about this one? Haha. I probably should have noted in the beginning--any inaccuracies regarding the Hells Angels will be attributed to creative freedom. Let's go with that? Anyway! I hope that you're enjoying it thus far as it's half over. Thank you for reading!