Hells Angel

Part 14: I'm Screaming Out to the Stars.

“You okay, Aves?” Quil asked, sitting down next to Avery's feet. He looked up at her, expecting her to follow suit and sit next to him, but it seemed as if she wasn't going to be able to relax any time soon.

“I'm fine,” she said, chewing at her lip.

Quil rolled his eyes and grabbed her left leg, pulling it out from until her, causing her to fall and land on her butt right next to him. She glared at him and he smiled. “I just wanted you to sit.”

“You could've asked,” she said, a small smile on her lips. “You jerk.”

“Bella isn't competition, Aves,” Quil said.

“Then why does she hate me so much?”

Quil shrugged. “She's always had a thing for Jacob. And he had a thing for her but he knew it wouldn't happen since she was with Edward. Long story short, he got over her with Nessie. And then Nessie died and...now he has you.”

Avery sighed. “There's more to it than that. She was looking at me as if she wanted to literally rip my face off and that's more than jealousy because she used to have a thing for him.” She looked over to where Jacob was standing with Bella and Edward. Her eyes met with Edward's and she shivered, quickly looking away and back to Quil. “You know something. And you're not telling me.”

“You're right,” Quil said.

“Tell me, please?”

He shook his head. “I can't.”

She sighed. “This is far too much drama for my liking. I'm just going to go,” she said, moving to stand up.

“Five more minutes,” Quil said. “He's almost done.”


“Alice saw another group of vampires here,” Edward told him, his voice low. “She saw them on the reservation and sent us to warn you.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “We don't need your warnings. We can protect our lands better than you could ever imagine.”

“I believe you. But it wasn't pretty. I could see it and it involved you and your pack getting ripped to shreds,” Edward said. “And while I can't say I'd be too terribly disappointed if that happened, it made Bella sick. So here we are.”

Bella crossed her arms. “I wouldn't use the word 'sick,' Edward.”

“Then what would you use?” Jacob asked. He shook his head, “I don't want to know. It doesn't matter. You should really apologize to Avery for treating her the way you did.”

“If she apologizes to me first,” Bella said.

Jacob couldn't bite back her laugh. “I'd love that just as much as you, if only for the reason that I doubt she'd ever say that. She doesn't apologize for who she is.”

“Well, what she is is a bitch.”

The smile fell off Jacob's face and he growled. If there were no humans in site, he would've lunged without a second thought. “You will never talk about her that way again, Bella. Understood?”

Bella laughed bitterly. “I knew it. She's your imprint.”

“You don't know anything,” he said.

“Does she know? I bet she would just love to know that she's going to have little wolf babies one day,” she taunted. “Want me to go tell her? I'd love to do that.”

Jacob stepped in front of her, staring her down. “She doesn't need to know, Bella. The feelings will develop on their own, without any influence from me and the legends.”

“The feelings are already there,” Edward said, his voice still low. “She's two minutes away from leaving, Jacob.”

“Stop reading her thoughts, leech, and stay out of her head,” Jacob growled.

Edward smiled, just barely. “Well, I'll tell Alice our mission was a success. We've warned you, you blew us off, and now we're going to go.”

“That's a wise decision, leech,” Jacob said.

“Yes, it is. We should leave before we end up smelling like wet dog in the forest,” Bella said.

Jacob didn't reply. He wanted to but it wasn't worth the effort. He sent them a mocking salute and turned around. Quil was sitting next to Avery, who was tearing at a hole in her jeans. He could feel her anger and he hated that Bella and Edward were the one to put her in such a mood after she had been happy. He walked over and sat behind her, pulling her back against his chest. Quil rose without a word and walked away from the couple.

Avery sighed, resting her head against his shoulder. “You really should've let me rip her face off.”

Jacob laughed, kissing the side of her neck. “Maybe next time.”

“I'm gonna hold you to that,” Avery told him. She was beginning to feel even more cold and subconsciously folded herself into Jacob to stay warm. She moved her head to rest it on her knees and Jacob curled with her, his head between her shoulder blades, his arms wrapping around her completely. “Jacob?”


“Quil won't tell me the real reason why Bella hates me,” she said quietly.

Jacob nodded slowly. “It's because I care about you in a way I could never care about someone else, Avery.”

“What does that even mean, Jacob?” she asked, agitation growing evident in her voice.

“I'm going to need you to promise not to freak out on me, okay?”

She tensed slightly but nodded, eyes falling on the fire.

“You're...my imprint, Avery.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this one is a little short. My apologies? Anyway. Six more chapters left. I'm a little sad it's almost over. But I'm working on others, for those interested. I'm going to stop rambling now because I have to get to work. Thank you for reading! It means so much to me. <3