The Ronnie Radke Curse

The Curse Is Forever

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Ronnie to stumble through the door like always.
I looked at the clock, 1:28 AM. He should be home soon. He usual comes home around 1:30. I ran a hand through my hair, and as if like clockwork the front door flew open, and in came Ronnie, drunk and high as all hell.
"Babe I'm homeee!" He slurred trying to catch his balance as he tripped over air.
I rolled my eyes and stood from the couch walking over to help him up the stairs.
"There you are baby." He slurred smiling down at me. He tried to kiss me but I turned away. He looked confused and I said, "Come on. Let's get you upstairs."
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist. After five minutes of pulling the 120 pound man up the stairs and dragging him to our room he was finally on the bed. He immediately fell sleep and I did the best I could to get the covers over him. I got my PJ's and walked to the guest room. It was the same thing every night. Ronnie comes home drunk and high, I drag him upstairs and lay him on the bed. He crashes immediately. I go to the guest room and cry myself to sleep.
You're probably wondering why I don't just leave him already. Trust me I would....If I could. But I can't. Ronnie and I have been together for 3 years now. He's like my drug.....My curse.
No matter what I do I can't leave him. I'd die for the man. I loved him with all my heart, and I always would.


The next morning I woke up and trudged to the kitchen. I was half way through making breakfast when Ronnie finally got up. He sat at the kitchen table silent. Both of us were. As usual. I set the food down on the table. Eggs, Bacon and Toast. When we were finished eating I took the dishes and put them in the sink, then I sat down at looking Ronnie right in the eyes and said, "I can't do this anymore Ronnie..."
He looked shocked and slightly hurt.
"What do you mean?" He asked still confused.
"Exactly what I just said. Ronnie it's the same thing every night. I wait till all hours of the morning for you to come home drunk and high, then I drag you up the stairs and put you to bed. After that I go into the guest room and cry myself to sleep thinking that tomorrow will be the day I stick up for myself and leave you. But I never do. Why? Because I love you."
I started crying and Ronnie looked sad.
"I'm sorry." He almost whispered. "I didn't know it affected you like that. I'll try my best to quit. I promise." He took my hand in his.
I knew he didn't mean it. He said that the last time we had this conversation 2 months ago.
I was about to say something, but I realized that nothing either one of us do or say would ever make me able to reverse my curse named Ronnie Radke.
I had one last chance to reverse that damn curse, and I failed. He's stolen my heart.
He stood up and walked over to me wrapping me up in a hug.
"I love you so much Aimee." He whispered into my hair. "I don't know what I would do if you ever left me."
I looked up at him and thought to myself, "I could never leave you Ronnie. You're my curse."
He smiled and I smiled back. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and said, "I'll be right back. I got something for you." He ran upstairs and I sat down at the table.
He came back a few minutes later and knelt down on one knee in front of me.
"Aimee, will you marry me?" He asked pulling out a small leather box. I was shocked.
Did he seriously just ask me to marry him?
This is it Aimee, I thought to myself. Reverse the Curse. It's now or never.....
I nodded my head yes and he smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen on him. He slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up in a hug.
I guess I'm stuck with my curse forever. No breaking it now........