White Sand; Black Sky

Irrevocable-Could it Be-Love?

I am driving in a Jaguar to see Jacob in La Push. The faster I go, the more I worry. What am I? why does HE want to see ME? Suddenly, I realized that I had driven to far and was at the beach. I didn’t care if I was later then he expected me to be.

I pulled over and began walking on the sparkling sand beneath my feet. The cold wind whipped around me as I drew my jacket closer to my already cold body. That’s when I saw him. My heart skipped a beat and my ears were pounding. He was shirtless- which added to the effect. He was more chiseled than in my dreams. His brown eyes were molten and full of inhumane devotion. Jacob Black. The guy I was so pissed off at last night is before me and now he has me thinking that I may love him. WAIT A MINUTE! Love HIM? I have got to be kidding myself. He furrowed his brows when he laid eyes on me. I do not want to tell him what happened to me last night even though the voice told me to. It was then that I realized that his friends-Seth, Quil, Embry, Leah, and Sam- were staring at me. Fuck you, I immediately thought, I want Jakey. Whoa with the pet names! I am definitely losing it. Jacob began walking towards me in only board shorts. That’s it! And he expects me to resist the temptation to hold him, to kiss him. Isn’t he cold? I sure am. He has got big hands. Hmm, and big feet… I wonder what else is big?

“Hey! Alicianna! I wasn’t expecting you to be out here!” he chirped with an adorable lop-sided grin on his face. I sighed. His smile was infectious.

“Well I wasn’t planning on coming out here, but you know how it is when you drive in a certain direction just to see where it takes you,” he could see right through my lie, “Since I’m here, I think I should apologize for getting angry for you laughing at my inability with small talk.”

“I accept your apology. I heard that you had to leave your mom because you needed a new beginning and new friends,” he commented coyly. We sat down on a boulder together and I felt pretty comfortable.

“You know what’s funny?” I asked only to get a shake of the head, “I normally am really loud, but for some unknown reason I am quiet around you.”

“Yeah. I usually am so loud that people kick me out of places,” at that moment I snickered, “but with you I feel like being LOUDER!!!” It boomed across the beach and I found myself cackling so loud and so hard I began to cry.

“I am never this excitable!” I exclaimed, “And my tummy hurts…” I sort of mumbled the last part.

“It must be my boyish charm!” he flamboyantly attempted to flip his cropped short hair. This sent me off on another laugh attack.

“Yeah, sure,” I said sarcastically, “and it must be the oxygen in the air!”

“Are you saying that no matter what I have boyish charm because it wouldn’t be air unless it had air. A.K.A oxygen! Awwwe how sweet! You are subconsciously telling me that I wouldn’t be Jacob if I didn’t have said boyish charm! This is the best day of my life!” he beamed, causing me to smirk.

“If that’s the case, you are not Jacob,” I slyly challenged.

“Oh! Burn the ALREADY hot guy!”

“Yeah, your skin is a little warmer than most people’s,” I agreed, but only to a point. I don’t think he could handle the pressure of his head getting bigger.

“Ouch! You’re on fire!” he nearly squealed as he touched the back of my hand.

“Well my daddy always did say that I’m a smart ass,” I smoothly pointed out.

“Yeah I agree with that, but your hand is burning up!” he exclaimed.

“That’s a song. ‘Burnin’ Up,’ you know,” I said, “Wait! Did you say my hand was hot?”

“Uh, yeah, Captain Obvious,” he made me giggle- my dad always called me that, “but I don’t get it.” Then I smelled it. Vampire. I’m sure. I suddenly became the big white wolf, sending Jacob to the ground. I saw a russet colored horse in the corner of my eye. I found myself turning my head only to find that the supposed horse was another wolf. I still had the same feeling for that wolf that I did for Jacob.
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It is still short, but it is kind of a filler chapter. I still need a conflict Any ideas? You can still give me a name and a few characteristics and I will use that character. Don't be afraid to comment- I need criticism. Hope you love it ... or hate it. Whatever you do just don't bash it openly. Read more chapters please before you judge it already.