White Sand; Black Sky

The Call of the Cullens(Ugh. Why them?)

I did what I knew. I sighed loudly, knowing I would have to tell Jacob what happened last night now. I wanted to run home, but with all the stares following me, I found my feet stuck. I whined and moaned, confused. I got several glares from Leah. I rolled onto my haunches and sat. I turned to Jacob whose mouth was gaping. He looked to Sam who said, “Ally, you’re a mist wolf. All the legends say one will come when we need it most.”

“Great. That’s all I need to be depended on,” I thought and then came a snicker from Jacob. I smelled it again. That vampire. It burned, itched, and tore up my nose. I looked to all the other-I’m guessing- wolves? and their noses barely showed a hint of pain. That’s when Jacob changed back. And he was naked. I averted my eyes, but not soon enough. I caught a glimpse little Jacob. Someone gave him pants and Leah hastily gave me some clothes to wear on the way home. Shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. No bra.

I smelled it again. Those damn vampires! And I was almost calm enough to change back! I took a deep breath and although leech was in the air, I changed back. Miraculous. The only thing is, is that all the other Quillies were watching me and staring. And here I was, sitting like a dog on top of not only my shredded clothes, but also Jacob’s, naked. I was uncovered for a mere two seconds as Jake thoroughly realized my nudeness and then he stood, his back to me, shielding other eyes away. I dressed and stood behind Jacob, looking over his shoulder and mouthing to the group in front of him, “Go away! I want to talk to him alone! Thanks!”

“You take a long time to get dressed,” Jake commented.

“You got some ‘splainin’ to do Mr. Wolf-Dude-Man,” I simply stated.

He turned to face me, “You feel that connection between us?” he asked and I nodded as I laid a now nearly freezing fingertip on his beautifully sculpted torso, he flinched, “Hm! Cold again, I see?” he wrapped his warm arms around me gently and I sheepishly grinned, “We imprinted on each other. It means that we belong together.”

“And I was hoping it was just heart burn!” he roared in laughter, “I guess I understand, but I need some encouragement,” I flirted raising a finger to his lips. We both leaned in, knowing each other’s intent. We were so close to a kiss, one that yesterday I would’ve winced away from.

“Jakey!” I heard a woman’s voice yell, “We need you to take care of Nessie. She is at the rate of a thirteen year-old,” Jacob had broken away from me and was almost glaring at a dazzlingly beautiful woman, whom infuriated my nostrils. I began shaking a bit, but calmed myself when Jake looked back at me.

“Why?!?!?!” he demanded.

“We must clarify something with the Volturi,” the woman’s companion said; he too itched my nose.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” my Jakey grumbled.
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Go Jacob! Woot! Woot! Next chapter will be out by Wednesday( I have a concert for school tuesday at 7)