Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight[Chapt. 4]

As soon as we saw the lights,we heard the sirens. We immediately get up,Gerard starts the car. "Wait,what are you doing?!" I ask. "I'm getting us out of here." He says,staring straight ahead. "We can't run from the police! They'll catch us for sure!" I say with fear in my voice. "The hell they will!" He yells. He then throws the car in reverse and starts going back up from where we came. "isn't this were the cops are coming from....?" I ask bewildered. "Not anymore." He says with a scary smile on his face. i see the cop cars right in front of us,knowing in my heart there's going to be a crash. "Hold on." he says,and grabs my hand. I feel no happiness this time. We are so close to the police cars then,seconds later...we're not. i look again and see them behind us..chasing us. "Why are we running from he police!?" i yell,I'm really scared now. "I did something I shouldn't of done...Why did I do it?!" He screams,talking to himself. "What?" I ask,scared even more now. "I wish I didn't do it but they said id I didn't do they'd kill you." he says,now crying. "What did you do?" i ask. He sobbing now. "I-i Shot s-someone...they told me to kill h-him or they-y would kill you.." Hr said sobbing even more. "Why?" Was all I could ask. "Why?" I ask again,with more force. "I couldn't let them kill you...I love you..I had to kill him or they'd kill you." he says,kicking up the speed a little. I forget the cops are chasing us,I look back and see them gaining. "Who did you kill?" I ask. "Some guy who didn't pay up is all I know." he says. "Who didn't pay up?" I say,shocked. "Yes.." he says,seeming to calm down after saying all that. "Who didn't pay up...Are you working for the mafia?!' I ask. "No." He says to quickly. "You are! How could you! you go around killing people who 'don't pay up' and you get to live the sweet life?! i always wondered where you got all those great gifts.." i say crying now. "You don't understand!" He says while swearing the avoid the cops. "I was forced into it..I didn't do it by choice..m-my dad's the mob-boss. I hate killing people! It's so wrong...I-i was going to quit that night,they all knew. But,no one quits the business,no one,and they were going to make sure of that. I left that day back to my house..when they caught me and dragged me into the back room. They said if you don't kill this guy and they showed me the picture. We're going to kill your little girlfriend. They all laughed,knowing I couldn't refuse. I was crying,pleading with them,not to. But they didn't listen. I had to do I did. I went up to the guy,at his house,and shot him in the back of the head. As soon as I did i ran back to the safe house and told them I did it,they laughed and cheered. It was my first kill." He said,finally it was all clear. "oh god,Gerard." I say and hug him. He cries and drives. I look back and see the cops gaining on us,I could hear the sirens louder than ever. I knew they would catch us,it was a lost cause. Then Gerard said something very quietly,I could barely hear it like he didn't want me to hear. "I'll stop the car for 10 seconds and I want you to jump out o the car and run for your life. Don't look back,even if you hear me scream for you,don't come back. I love you and always will,this is why I killed him and why I'm doing this now. Please. When I stop the car get out and run." he said it in a calm voice but I saw the tears. "I don't want you to go to jail. You can make it away from the cops!" he laughed a hard,sad laugh,and knew it was hopeless. "I love you." I say,with great meaning. I think about it and say this. "When you get in jail,the first person you call will be me understand?" i say,he laughs. "Really?" he says. "Yeah,I want to know where you are..." i say and start crying. "Okay,there's a little spot here I can pull off into,it will hide me for a few seconds and I want you to do what I say. Okay?" he says. "yes." i say and we hug for once last time.