Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight[Chapt. 7]

I scream and gerard reaches through the air trying to get my hand. I stop as hiss hand slides into mine. My eyes adjust to the darkness,I look for the bed,I see it's dark outline and walk towards it. I sit down and feel something crawl on my leg. I squeal and shake my lrg as hard as I can. Gerard jumps up and paces around the room. "There has to be a light switch in here somewhere." Gerard said and started to search the room. I get off the bed as many more bugs crawl on my legs. I walk towards Gerard and stop when I hear noise coming from next door. "You have the rent?" The man asked. "I told you I would get it next week!" "Oh..that's really bad for you see I need the rent Do you have it?" THe man asked. " don't have it for you Derek." "That's really unfortunate for you frankie...real unfortunate...I have one question for you before I blow your head off...Do you feel lucky? Do you feel lucky punk?" The man laughed,there was silence. "No! Wait! I promise I'll have it tomarrow!" "I'm sorry but I don't trust you anymore. Sorry." "PLEASE! DON'T KILL-" The sentence cut off as the ma blew his head off. "Real sorry." He laughed and walked out of he room. I was scared speachless. Gerard hugged me and said it was going to be okay. Then we heard him say. "Now to get rid of those teenagers. HeeHee..just like frank back there." I whimpered,Gerard held me tighter. He was at the door,I heard him cock his gun. Then when I thought it was the end,a door opened.