Status: a story in the making, please leave comments.

The Only Exception

Chapter One

Entry Page 252-
It seems not another day can convince me to live. Every day I wake in hopes to find a reason to continue to live this life but find none. How can one live alone like this and find a reason to sustain his life? Every day I wonder who would ever want to be damned to this life. I tried to attend to my garden today but found no way to bring it back to life the way it once was when I first came. It may be lost too. My last prisoner has died of old age today. I vow to never take another one again. It has been ten years since a travel or villager has wondered my forest. I am sad to have no company but am happy to not be disturbed anymore. I found the strength to touch my piano today. It has been years since I have touched it, it was long overdue. Oh how I missed the feeling it gave me. One could easily escape the world while playing. Perhaps my soul is lost to this world.

Shutting his journal he felt somewhat accomplished for the day. After hours of meandering around the castle and plotting of his death, he was somehow still alive. Angry with himself he departed his chambers and headed once again to the garden. He didn’t know where he went wrong with it years ago. It was so vibrant with colors and life. But over time it had wilted and died. I was destined to be alone, he thought to himself. Many nights he prayed it weren’t so but his prayers were not heard by God. He was sure God hated him for what he was by cursing him to be alone. Has He no heart? Am I to be shunned by God himself? He felt his soul was lost the day he was damned. He knew God hated him for not ending his life in that moment. But he was only a prisoner himself held by his maker. He grew stronger than her and was able to depart her evilness. Still he could not bring himself to suicide, he thought that maybe there was a purpose for him. A part of him still believes it so but it slowly dies every day.

He ran his hand along one of the statues that sat in his garden. It looked much like an angel with its majestic wings and its gentle face. It looked completely opposite of him. Fore he bared wings of black and wore no gentle face but one of harden stone. He hasn’t shown emotion on his face in centuries. He has forgotten what they feel like or what they look like. He hasn’t cried in over one hundred years. He remembered crying when he realized for the first time what he was. His tears fell like blood from his eyes. The taste he remembered was neither sweet nor bitter. He couldn’t describe it; he had never tasted anything like it and never wanted to. He’s never cried since but he has wanted oh so much. The tears just never come. His eyes would burn and become red with color but no tears came.

He wondered when he’d no longer have the need to cry or to be sad. Loneliness is something he’d never wish upon anyone. Even enemies, to have them sit away and eat at themselves. The pain it caused was almost unbearable but then again he stopped feeling altogether some years ago. Was his heart hardening?

“Oh God of the highest, say it isn’t so!” He threw his hands in the air and fell to his knees. He pleaded once more to the Heavens. “I only wish to love to feel like a human once more.” If to signify God disapproval the clouds rolled over the sun. He threw his face into his hands in disgust. God had turned away from as he suspected he would. For the first time in a very long time he felt anger. Rushing to his feet he ran to his chambers and slammed the door. Once in the safety of his chambers he let out a cry that no doubt the villagers heard.

Belile stood on the balcony of the tower. The birds were all perched and singing their usual evening song. She couldn’t help to hum along. As they watched the sun set they heard a distant cry. The birds disbursed immediately and hid themselves. Corabes rushed to Belile side. Corabes was her nurse and very close friend of Belile. Belile confided in her often. The one thing she would never confide would only put her in danger. She knew Corabes knew she was hiding something but she would never tell her nurse her deep secret.

“He seems to cry out more these days.” Her nurse spoke as she turned to face her. Corabes was a diminutive, but tough woman. She was very steadfast in her ways. Even uttering the vampires’ existence will start her on rampage of her religious views. But today she started the conversation.

“Why does he cry?”

“My Lady, please don’t say you are feeling sorry for him. He is evil Belile, stay far away from him.”

“I bet he’s lonely.”

“Why do you say that, my lady?”

“He lives in the castle all by himself for who knows how long, it must get lonely that’s all.”
Belile pitied the creature but also envied him. If only she was by herself away from her father. She often wondered what it would be like if her father wasn’t around and it was just her and Corabes. Her people would be happy. Her garden would be ten times the growth it is now. She’d entertain the village in their castle. The stalls would be filled with animals. She couldn’t help but daydream of the days when her mother was alive. Her mother taught her to play the piano and to be kind to people of lower value for we are all the same in God’s eyes. Her mother was beautiful, kind and caring. She never turned anyone away when in need. Oh how she missed her mother. She could feel the warmth of a tear creating a path down her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut; she promised she would no longer cry for her mother. She only wished her father loved her the way her mother did. She didn’t doubt her fathers’ love for her. She knew deep down he loved her.

“My Lady, do you wish to play your piano today?” The old nurse inquired.

“Yes, please prepare the room.” The nurse nodded and headed down the stairs.

Belile lingered at the keep only a moment longer before heading down the stairs to the entrance hall. The piano was kept there for show. She ran her hand along the railing as she skipped down the stairs. She held her smile high and proud when she spotted the piano. When she played she felt as if she could abscond the world and all its evil. It was her home away from home. She couldn’t describe the rush it gave her as she laid her fingers on the keys. The angelic feeling that came from her, it felt as if she was pouring her heart in the song. She didn’t play for many people but the servants in the castle. They loved to hear her play. The enchanting and somewhat mesmerizing tune rang through the castle bringing everyone to one room. Playing was the only thing that brought her close to her mother. She would close her eyes and it was as if her mother was there with her.

She would be in a flowing white, cotton dress. She was very young, dancing on her father’s feet. Her mother’s expression was joyful and hopeful for her daughter as her fingers danced across the piano. It was only memory she held of her once perfect family.

Belile leaned harder into the piano trying to pouring all she had into the music. The tempo was slow but yet upbeat in its own way. It often reminded of her of the ocean waves hitting the beach. The process was slow but exciting as it hit the beach front. She now played softer as she transitioned into a ballad that with each note brought a feeling of love and finding.

“Who is playing such hideous noise?” Her father came storming into the entrance hall. She stood immediately.

“It is I father.” She crossed her hands in front of her and kept her head down.

“How many times have I asked you not to play when we have company?”

“I was unaware we had company.” He spat at her.

“Of course not. You choose to ignore what I have advised and hide yourself in that tower.”

He turned and exited the room, only mumbling on his way. “I was cursed to have such an ignorant daughter.”

Hurt, Belile ran to the garden. She could feel the warm liquid streaming down her cheeks. When will her father ever be proud to have her as a daughter? Her garden looked as sad as her. When she would spend days wilted away in the keep so would her garden. She soon learned that the garden only mirrored her feelings and emotions. Was her garden magical, she’d never know. Her father would never allow her to read of it. Witchery he called it.

Many times she wished to run away to the forest but her nurse only warned her.

‘My child, do not enter the Black forest. The ogres, jackles, minotaurs and the dark witch dwell there. The ogres would eat you up in a moment’s time. The dark witch is deceiving and cunning. She has tricked many travelers and villagers. She can transform the forest to appear as if it didn’t exist. But worse of all is the demon of the night. He will drink your blood and take your soul. He’ll leave to rot in his castle and throw you to the waste side.’

She took her nurses words with a grain of salt though. She didn’t believe such things exited. Ignoring her nurses warning she decided that today she would runaway to the forest. She checked to see if any of the servants were around to watch and slowly walked to the west of the castle.

The opening to the forest only laid a few paces to the west. When she came to the opening of the forest, she didn’t find it uninviting. She found it seductive and welcoming. Hesitant at first she finally took a step towards the first tree. When she felt no harm she continued through the forest with a smile. Corabes had no idea what she was talking about. Grass grew all around and the trees looked so lively. Within seconds the grass was gone and the trees were barren. The trees seemed to look as if they were caving in on her. She gasped and quickly spun around to run out but found she was trapped. She could not remember her way out. She could hear the rustling and footsteps of creatures around her. Her heart only sped faster and faster as she stood there. She thought of running but where would she go? She was trapped in a forest with no end. She could hear the howling of the jackals and the grunting of ogres. She heard a splash of water and the forest came alive with sounds she had never heard. She felt that in this moment she might die. Everything went quiet. The stillness of the air was pierced by an inhuman scream causing her to scream in response.

Anachas was only a few steps from the forest when he heard the witches scream. He only ignored her but then he heard an echo of scream that was not the witches. He decided that the witches work was nothing of his interests and continued into the forest for his hunt. Today he hunted jackals. They were disgusting but they satisfied his craving. He could hear them east of the forest, in the direction of the scream. Of course, he would find them feeding. They would be distracted and an easy kill. He headed east towards the scream. It was only seconds later was at the location. The jackals were cornering a woman. Anachas recognized the woman.

“It can’t be.” He told himself. It was Lady Belile. Why on earth would she be wondering here? Does she not know what lingers in this forest? Her ignorance will cost her life. He watched as she backed herself up against a tree. He leaned against a tree himself to watch the show.

“Please I know you can hear me. Will you watch me die?” He did not know if she was speaking to him or the witch. He did not respond. “Are you not lonely? I know I would be – well I know I am. But I’m surrounded by people all the time. It must be difficult for you.” This time he knew she was speaking to him but still he said nothing. It was the witch who spoke next.

“Vampire do you not answer when called upon?” The voice came from deep in the forest. The witch has never shown herself to anyone. “Oh foolish one, do not hold your tongue. I can make you speak if you are having trouble. Or shall I curse you? That would be fun. To torment you more than you are already.”

“No please do not. If he wishes not to speak, do not force him. I will die willingly. I have nothing to live for.” Lady Belile spoke. He almost pitied the young woman if only he could feel. Knowing that if he chooses to ignore the woman’s pleas for help the witch will curse him out of fun. Witches are good for that. But what did he care? Did he not want die? This could be the end he had hoped for. How could she know loneliness? She has not been a monster for as long as he has.

“If you wish to die child I shall bring you as my prisoner and let you rot.” With that he was at her side grabbing her arm and carrying her back to his castle. He took her to the east tower and threw her into the room. “Here you shall rot.” He closed the door and locked it. Foolish humans, he grunted.
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