The only exception

Will Addler


Will Addler

"Hey Will, have you seen my yellow Armani purse?" Isabelle Addler asked her 16 year old son.
"No, ask Holly or, Lili." Will Addler said referring to his two older sisters.
"I already did, are you sure you haven't seen it I really need to go." Isabelle said frantically, she was on her way to a charity event supporting MADD.
"Oh my god mom. No I have not seen them, I already told you!" He said glaring at her, She gave him a hurt expression.
"William Addler." She said in a stern voice.
"Oh my god mom, shut up." He said. He was in a touchy mood, he really had no reason to be acting the way he was.
"Will, you will not speak to me that way. I'm your mother and I love you and I know you love me so treat me like you do." She told him he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." He said and started to walk away.
"Well Will, I have to go, I love you." Isabelle said. "
"I love you too, mom."
"Then come give me a hug." Will walked over to his mom and gave her one last hug and kiss on the cheek. Will and his mom were really close, they barely ever fought and did alot of things together since his father was never home.
"Bye baby."
"Bye mom." With that she left.

17 year old Will Addler sat in his best friend, Cory Hardy's, basement. He poured the last of his bottle of rum. It was 3:00pm and he was already pretty drunk and high.
"You ready to party tonight dude?" Cory asked Will.
"Definitely man." He said smiling.
"Are you going to get some more action from Arabella?" Cory asked adding a Spanish accent on to the girls name.
"Nah, it's over between her and I." Will told his friend.
"Does she know that?" Cory asked. Will smiled.
"No dude, I figure she'll just figure it out when she sees me making out with some blond whore tonight." He laughed. Greg laughed with him.
"Nice one." They pounded fists. Believe it or not, Will never used to be this much of a player. He used to get girlfriends that would last longer then just 3 weeks. But ever since the death of his mom, Will doesn't let anybody in.


Her hands were tangled in his auburn hair, his hands groped her back. His mouth moved on hers hungrily with lust. Someone hit him in the shoulder. Their lips broke a part and Arabella Milan stood before them.
"What the fuck Will?!" Arabella screamed at whom she thought was her boyfriend.
"Hey baby." Will said letting go of the blond and grabbing Arabella's waist trying to kiss her.
"Don't 'hey baby' me Will." Arabella told him pulling away. He let go.
"What's the problem babe?"
"What's the problem? I'll tell you what the problem is! Your supposed to be dating me but now your making out with Alicia Graham, the biggest slut in the city!" Arabella yelled over the loud music.
"Hey!" Alicia pouted. Arabella glared at her.
"Arabella, you knew that it wouldn't last, were just different people." Will said.
"God Will, your such a drunk whore." Arabella screamed. Will rolled his eyes.
"Fine, see ya." Will said turning back to Alicia. Arabella stormed away. Alicia Graham was the biggest whore at McKinley high. That's exactly why he went for her, he had already worked through the girls at his own school. They started to kiss again. Her hand moved from his hair, down his back, around his waist and down to his inner thigh.
"What do you say we find somewhere more private?" She breathed. He smiled and nodded. The couple made there way to an empty room at the house they were at for the party.


Will woke up with a pounding headache. He sat up but fell back down with the dizziness that swarmed his brain. He finally got up and made his way downstairs. He didn't even remember getting home last night. His 23 year old sister Holly was home from university, she had long brown hair and big green eyes like her mom. Will could barely look at her. She rolled his eyes at him, she knew he had been partying last night, she could smell the alcohol and sex still on him.
"Will, you might want to have a shower." She said crinkling her nose. He rubbed his eyes.
"Dad home?" He asked. She shook her head. He half smiled and reached into the fridge for a beer.
"Really Will? It's like 11:30am." She said.
"Best way to get rid of a hangover is to drink more."
"Or just drink water and take an Advil." She said with her water bottle in hand.
"This works faster."
"Will I care about you. And I miss her too. But beer, pot and whores won't bring her back." She told him with her hand on his shoulder. He shook her off, avoiding her gaze.
"Holly this isn't about mom, I'm just having a little fun." He told her. The image of the last time he saw his mom flashed before his eyes and he fought to hide the pain on his face.
"Whatever Will. I'm going to the gym then I'm going to meet Jay . Go shower." She said as she walked out the door. Will rolled his eyes. Jaymie Henderson, Holly's fiance. She was basically disowned by her father when he found out. Jaymie was eternally poor and according to Bill Addler, couldn't support Holly well enough. Will didn't particularly like the guy, he was too nice to be human.

Will had a shower and got ready for another party he was going to this afternoon. Gemma Kennedy's beach party was a big deal. Tons of girls in bathing suits, soaking wet. Will smiled to himself at the thought. Cory showed up in his jeep and they drove down to the sunny Californian beach. When they got there all there was, was a big white house and tons of people. He lifted the cooler of beer he stole from his father and put it on a table that was set up where a huge amount of alcohol was.
"Look at that piece of ass!" Cory pointed out. Will looked and saw a short girl with strawberry curls and a great ass. He checked her out and noticed a brunette standing beside her in an all white bathing suit, holding a beer. She was about 3 or 4 inches taller and super skinny. Her long brown wavy hair touched just below her waist.
"Let's go over there man." Cory suggested Will nodded. The friends walked up to the two girls. Will hadn't seen them around so he assumed they must be from McKinley. Cory and Will stepped in front of them.
"Hello ladies, I'm Cory Hardy and this is my friend Will Addler." Cory introduced them.
"I'm Kieran Belsey, but you can call me Kiera. And this is Catelin Gregory." She introduced. Will looked into Catlin's eyes and shook her hand. When their hands touched he felt sparks of electricity show up his arm. He looked at her, he had never felt that before.
"I'm going to need my hand back." Catelin said. Will shook out of his trance and let g of her hand, not even realizing how long he had been holding on.
"Sorry." He mumbled. She smiled, but he could tell it didn't touch her eyes.
"It's okay. She said. Cory and Kieran walked off together and an awkward silence resonated over Will and Catelin.
"So are you friends with Gemma?" Will asked Catelin. Catelin shrugged.
"No not really, I mean we know each other from school but that's it." Catelin said. Will nodded. McKinley girl he thought. "How about you?"
"No, someone told me I should come to this party so I did, told me it would be fun." He smiled.
"Well is it?" Catelin asked. Will looked up into her eyes, expecting a smile on her face, but there was nothing. He looked into her eyes for a moment and all he saw was hurt and pain, he saw himself.
"Yeah." He said taking a sip of his beer.
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In this chapter I wanted to show what Will was like and I also wanted them to meet.
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