Sequel: Let It Rain
Status: Complete

Secrets, Spells, and Magic Powers

Expect the Unexpected

I blinked trying to get used to the light. I realized that I was lying on my bed in my room. I remembered everything that happened in the hallway and sat up quickly. I looked to my right and saw Colby sitting at my vanity looking through my sketch book. Judging by the little smile on his face he was probably looking at the drawing of us and the guys sitting outside the school. I wasn't sure if he was mad at me or what so I was nervous.

"C-Colby?" He looked up at me and his face was blank. I knew that I was wearing a hurt expression but I couldn't help it, I hate it when he's mad at me. "Colby I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I looked away from him and pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on it.

I felt something sit on the bed beside me and I figured it was Colby. He pulled on my chin so that I was looking at him and I was surprised at his expression. He was actually smiling at me as if none of this ever happened. "Melody. I'm just glad that it was just some guy messing with your head. We all knew something was up, we just figured he was blackmailing you or something. At least his mind messing was easy do deal with."

I was shocked. How could he forgive me so easily? The guys probably won't be as easy though because they don't know about having powers. I didn't know what to say so I just hugged Colby. He hugged me back and held me close to him. "How can you forgive me so easily? I was stupid and didn't block him out as soon as I felt something off about him. The guys probably hate me."

"It wasn't your fault Mel so I can't be mad at you and they don't hate you. They knew that something wasn't right and they blamed Darren not you." I looked up at him and stared into his eyes, they had a glow I had never seen before. I was about to speak but he cut me off when his lips touched mine.

It was slow and sweet with no urgency and lust behind it.Could I be falling in love with him? After a while he pulled away from me and looked at me adoringly but then his face turned serious. "I swear if I ever see another guy kiss you I'm walking right up to him and doing a lot more damage then what I did to Darren." I blushed and looked down smiling. I've never seen him this protective of me.

I had forgotten about Colby and Darren's brawl in the hallway. That would explain Colby's black eye. "What happened to Darren?" He smiled evilly.

"He's at the nurses with a broken nose, two black eyes, and bruised ribs. I got away with a black eye and some bruises on my stomach and arms." I smiled at how happy he seemed about beating him up for what he did.

"How am I going to explain this to the guys?" He looked thoughtful.

"We could tell them that he was blackmailing you. It would make sense."

"Maybe. I think I want to talk to Professor and see what he thinks about having a few normal people knowing."

"Are you serious? Melody he'll never go for that."

"Maybe, maybe not."


I knocked on the door and heard Professor call for me to come in. "Melody, I'm glad you're hear. We have Darren in confinement right now and he wont be leaving until he agrees to get tutoring."

"That's good. I have a question to ask you Professor, I know that you'll probably think I'm crazy but I need to ask anyways." I sat down in one of the chairs across from him and he sighed.

"It's finally time is it?"


"You want to tell your three other friends about this." He gestured around the room for emphasis.

"How did you know?"

"From the very first day you went to that school I could see this coming. It's given me a lot of time to study these boys and think about what my answer would be." I wasn't surprised that he already knew. I had only started blocking him out a few days ago.

"So what have you decided?" I chewed on my lip and played with the bottom of my shirt. I was really nervous because either way I'd have to tell the guys something. I was either going to lie and have a huge elaborate story about the blackmailing or I would have to tell the truth and show them my powers and try to get them to understand.

"I have come to realize that these boys are good at keeping secrets and their word. I also saw that if I had said no then you would still have told the boys eventually. So you are free to tell them now." I really expected him to say no so I was definitely shocked.

"Um, thanks Professor. I promise this won't back fire." I knocked on his wooden table just in case I jinxed it. I left his room and Colby was waiting outside for me.

"What did he say?" He was probably as nervous about telling the guys as I was. They were normal and didn't know powers existed. At least Colby already knew about them when I told him.

"He said yes." Colby was shocked as well.

"Well then I'll call an emergency meeting. We can have them meet us at the entrance of the forest where you took me." I just simply nodded and he went to make the phone calls. I played all the different scenarios of how this could happen and there were a lot of bad ones compared to good ones.

Colby came back with a grim look. "They are all on their way. Let's go."


The guys were all standing outside Miles' car when we got there. We got out and I could see the worried and slightly pissed looks that the guys were giving me. I bit my lip and wished that I was anywhere but here.

Colby must have noticed because he came beside me and put his hand on the small of my back to keep me walking towards them. He was obviously trying to calm me but keep me from running back to the car. We stood in front of the guys and it was awkwardly quiet for a moment.

"So what are we doing here?" Of course Oliver would be first to speak.

"Well like I said on the phone I figured out was happened between Mel and Darren. We had to come here because well we can't explain in any public areas. Just trust me, we have to walk in the forest for a couple minutes to get to where we need to be." I was still getting some pissed looks. Quin was obviously the most upset but I couldn't make eye contact with them. I felt so ashamed.

We walked to the clearing in silence. They guys obviously wondering what could be out in the middle of the forest. When we got there we all sat down, Colby and I facing Miles, Quin, and Oliver.

"Alright you guys have to keep an open mind about this. I know it seems far fetched and completely made up but you know that I wouldn't lie to you about something like this." The guys nodded and silently urged him to continue. "Melody and I have powers."

I was watching their faces intently trying to see how they'd react. Quin looked confused, Miles was stone faced, and Oliver looked like he was trying to suppress a laugh. "I know I must sound insane but just please hear me out. I can make you feel anything I want you to feel. I can also see how you're feeling, and find people just by feeling for their presence. Melody can control the weather."

Same expressions except Quin looked like he was starting to understand. "So you guys have powers that let you do that stuff? Not that I don't believe you, but can you prove it?" I knew that was coming and Colby and I discussed it on our walk over. We decided that he'd show his powers first.

"Yeah we can. Right now you are confused and cautious, Oliver thinks this is funny, and Miles has no clue what to think but is trying to stay calm and open minded." The guys were shocked but I think that helped them to believe what was going on. "Now you are all going to feel sad." I watched as their faces all dropped and Miles had tears running down his face. Colby let up after a second so they were back to normal. Oliver obviously stopped thinking this was funny.

"Wow, I never thought this was real. That was amazing. Melody what is yours like?" They all turned their attention to me and instead of answering I just showed them. I decided to do something that I've been working on in my training. With in seconds a thick fog had covered the clearing. I could make out the murky shapes of the guys in front of me but it was harder.

"Holy crap! This is so cool." Oliver had gotten up and was walking around in the fog and feeling the air." Miles had eased up and was smiling like a little kid at a magic show.

"I can't believe that I have two friends who have magic powers. This is so cool, are there more of you?"

"That's why we are showing you this. It explains why Melody was acting weird at school today. You see there is a place where teens that have powers get special training to harness their powers so that they aren't a danger to anyone and they have control over their powers. There are some people who live there like Mel and there are people like me who will go their for a class or two during the week. Darren isn't part of the Institute and has never had training. He uses his powers freely and doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants. He has the power to make people believe anything he wants them to think no matter how far fetched. He convinced Melody that they were dating and that we had all gotten into a fight. He changed all her memories trying to get her away from us so that we couldn't ruin his plan. I met him at the Institute after school and he told me what he did, Melody over heard and while I was beating him up she blocked him out so that he couldn't control her anymore."

I was back to twiddling my fingers in my lap and chewing on my lip. The fog blocked me from seeing their expressions which I was thankful for. It didn't stop me from hearing them though.

"So this guy, was controlling her, with his mind?" Quin was obviously trying to make sense of this all. "And there is an Institute that trains teenagers like you guys, and Melody lives there?"

"Yeah basically." Colby was obviously nervous too. These were his best friends after all, if they couldn't accept him then what could he do? They have only known me for a week so I'd understand if they couldn't accept me and I'd deal with losing them.

"Well I think it's cool and it explains a lot." I smiled with relief that Oliver understood.

"Yeah I agree. I just can't believe that this stuff is real." Another flood of relief from Miles.

Now all that was left was Quin. I'd have to say that even though I really liked Colby and he was an amazing friend, Quin was still my best friend. If he was the only one who couldn't accept me it would hurt me the most.

I was so busy thinking about this that I didn't realize the figure coming beside me until I had all the air squeezed out of me in a huge hug. "Melody I'm so sorry. I thought that you were mad at us for doing something and then I thought that you had been lying to us the whole time. I never thought it was something like that, I'm so sorry for doubting you. PLEASE forgive me." Quin's eyes were shiny with tears ready to fall out. I smiled at him and after some adjusting I was able to hug him back.

"There is nothing to forgive Quin. You did what any rational person would do. It's not like you knew there was such thing as special powers. But if it means that much to you then yes I forgive you." Quin grinned and hugged me even tighter. "Quin...can't...breathe." He loosened his grip.

"Sorry. I would just hate myself if I made my best friend hate me because I was being stupid." I smiled at that.

"Quin I could never hate my best friend." The fog had cleared and I could see the other guys talking to each other. Colby looked over and smirked.

"Quin, can you please release my girlfriend before I start getting jealous?" I was shocked.

Oh my god! He called you his girlfriend!

Quin let go and the guys were all staring between him and I. "Girlfriend?" I barely managed to get the words out due to the butterflies in my stomach. Colby's eyes widened and he blushed profusely.

"I-I mean, I just assumed, well." He was stuttering and had no clue what to say. I smiled and ran and hugged him. He was stunned for a second but relaxed and hugged me closer to him.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I mumbled into his chest. The guys started hooting.

"Fucking finally! I thought you'd never ask her." Oliver clapped a hand on Colby's shoulder. I giggled and Colby blushed and smiled. I looked up at him and he put both hands on my cheeks and started kissing me. It was a lot hotter than the one in my room and there was some tongue.

"Get a room!" Quin was shouting and us and I pulled away smiling before I looked at Quin.

"Hey, I had to watch you two in the kitchen. It's your turn now." Quin immediately turned red and I laughed. Oliver and Colby were confused which made me laugh harder.

"Melody! You promised not to tell!" Miles was looking flustered and embarrassed.

"I promised not to tell them you were gay. I never promised not to tell them you guys were sucking faces on the kitchen counter." They were both bright red and I was dying from laughter.

Oliver came over and hugged me when I calmed down a bit. "It's good to have you back. Hard to believe that all this happened in one day." He was right. A lot had happened today.

I sighed. "So now what?"

"Now we go to my house and celebrate with junk food and a game of truth, dare, or drink, spin the bottle." I smiled at Quin. He was always ready to do something fun.

"You know Quin I love the new hair and all but I am REALLY going to miss being able to call you candy floss." Quin had died his hair back to platinum blond with some dark brown streaks in the bottom layers. It was really choppy and had some pieces teased out. Quin smiled at me again.

"Yeah well Skittles, I am sure you'll find something else to call me." I still liked my nick name.

We walked back out of the forest to Miles' car then drove to Quin's house. Who would have expected it all to go like this. And who the hell would have thought that with in a week my life went from being miserable to having a group of amazing friends, a boyfriend that I could only dream of, and being truly happy for the first time in 3 months.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only the epilogue left :( Anybody have some ideas of what you want to see in the sequel? The more ideas I have the faster I can start it.

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