Tragic Hero

I'm Acting Like This Feels Right

4.5 years earlier…
Ryan’s POV

I was walking down the strip mall and into the music store, when I saw her. She was beautiful, but in that way people overlook and take as normal or maybe even ugly. She was normal weight and height for a girl; about seven inches shorter than me and a clothing size bigger. I liked that, I’m all angles but I loved curves. Her face was the most captivating though, probably misunderstood by all. It was round with a pointed chin, though her skin was clear, it looked permanently flushed. Her eyes were too big and blue, her nose too pointy like a ski slope. Her pink lips were uneven, full on the bottom thin on top. Her hair was wavy, chin-length and orange-red. Her whole head was multi-colored, composed of all her interesting features. She was just too beautiful.
“That will be $28 .” Her voice rang through the empty store directed towards the only other customer except for me. Her voice was high-pitched and childish, she reminded me of a little kid in an adult body. I wanted to talk to her, I needed to talk to her, but how? I was always so bad at this. I wish Brendon was here, he would know what to say. I looked up at the wall for inspiration, the new Smashing Pumpkins CD poster. The CD has been sold-out since it first came out a week ago. It wasn’t going to be reissued for months. I remember how sad I was that I didn’t get it, but maybe I could ask this beautiful girl about where I could get it. It would a great excuse to be able to talk to her, her back was turned to me and she was putting away CD’s. I started to walk towards he, I felt sick because I was so nervous. Next time I come I’m definitely bringing Brendon, he always gave me more confidence. When I was right behind her, I softly said,
“Excuse me,” but she didn’t turn around.
“Um.. Excuse me,” I said a little bit louder, maybe she did hear me and was ignoring me. I started to turn beet red at the thought of this, then I thought maybe I should just tap her shoulder. I reached over and brushed her shoulder. Right when my light touch came in contact with her clothed shoulder she jumped up and gave out a little scream. I jumped back, turning even brighter red and softly said,
“Oh I’m so sorry.”
“Oh.. no it’s okay. I just…,” she said breathing heavily, her eyes bright with surprise.
“Well, I didn’t know anybody was in here,” she said her voice loud and her gestures bold. The silence after she talked left my ears ringing after her proclamation.
“So…,” she said. Oh yeah, I tapped her shoulder and now I’m just standing here like an idiot or even worse a stalker.
“Well I just saw,” I said until she cut me off.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. I’m practically deaf; side-effects of working in a music store,” she said smiling. Her smile was bright white adding another color to her already colorful face.
“Oh, I was just wondering where the new Smashing Pumpkins CD is?”
“That ran out last week, sorry. But you should come in next week, a new shipment is coming in. I got it last week it’s so amazing and worth the wait.” The next few minutes, we talked about how in general the Smashing Pumpkins were awesome; me quietly adding my opinion while she was humming and dancing around.
“Come next Wednesday, I working then, I’ll put aside a CD for you. If I’m not here just say that Laïla put something aside for you.”
“Laïla, is that your name?”
“Well, yeah. What’s your name?”
“Nice name, very normal. Do you know what time it is?”
“Umm.. I think it’s about noon.”
“Cool, I have my lunch break in an hour. I’m going to walk to this awesome sandwich place across the street. But I hate walking by myself, you know.” Why was she saying this, it was so out of the blue? She was so beautiful and now I think kind-of crazy, but that added to her appeal.
“Yeah, I guess walking by yourself is a drag.” Her face fell as I said this and she said,
“Yeah, well I guess I’ll see you next week.”
“Yeah.” I was so happy I was talking to her and knew her name and was going to talk to her next week. I can’t wait until Wednesday. I waved good-bye to her and walked through the exit.

Laïla’s POV
As Ryan walked through the exit, I couldn’t help thinking about how cute he was. He was really quiet, skinny and tall; his eyes were mesmerizing. I just wanted to shake him and get him to scream and shout, he’s so quiet. He was kind-of oblivious or else he really didn’t like me at all, because I just wanted to have lunch with him. He was the kind of guy you want to get to know better. Maybe I’m just over-analyzing this, next time I see him, I’ll be more open. I can’t wait to see him again, I can just picture me and him holding hands, he seems like nice boyfriend material. I always fall for the assholes, maybe I would get a nice guy for a change.