A Pirate's Life for Me

Being a young, horny sixteen year old at the time, Jack Sparrow had had plenty of forgotten one night stands. He never expected to see those women again or anything related to them. Jack never thought any part of his teenage years would come back and bite him in the ass.

Shea didn’t necessarily bite him in the ass, but she did come back. She was a result of one of his many one night stands as a young adult.

She finds her dad and wants to travel to wherever he’s heading. Jack on the other hand, is reluctant to bring a girl aboard his ship, so he makes her a deal.

Bring five crewmen, and she can go with him.

Jack wouldn’t think she’d do it, but she did. She drags along five boys that go by the names of John, Garrett, Jared, Pat, and Kennedy. All five boys thought the trip would be the death of them, especially after they experienced some of Shea’s ‘negotiation’ skills.

But bonds were made.
Some friendly, and others more than platonic.
  1. Savvy?
    Shea's POV
  2. War of the Mops
    Shea's POV
  3. He'd Better Fix It
    Garrett's POV
  4. The Black Ship
    John's POV
  5. That Could Be A Problem