Status: Active

Belle Epoque (Beautiful Era)

the Little Things that Keep You Alive

The rest of the night Melissa and I spent clobbering Leigh at his own
beloved game of Packman. But I guess it was sorta unfair because it became more
of a 2 V.S 1 game, but my pride quickly covered the guilt. I was now, 'Queen of
Pack-land,' and nobody, not even the 'King' himself, could stop me. I gave a low
chuckle when Leigh begged for a rematch, (without Melissa,) I proudly excepted.

"Your not going to beat me this time, now that your vamp. companion
isn't here to save your ass when Pinky comes to eat you." I laughed as he said it,
and continued to focus on the game, his voice went squeaky as I beat him (yet

"Well, so much for a 'rematch,' I guess it just goes to show that females
can be better at arcade games then guys."

"That's so not fair, I say we have a do-over."

Melissa pushed Leigh aside, " To bad maybe you'll have more luck
next time. But I wouldn't consider humiliating yourself twice in one night."

I stuck my tongue out at him, Leigh pulled me into his arms and kissed
me. "Was that my prize for beating the 'King of Pack-land?' or is that just a teaser?" I giggled a little under my breath as he moved his hands slowly to my
waste, making me fell awkward and childish. Melissa was now watching.

"Ahem, you two want to play, or move to another room?"

"I think I want to go swimming, if that counts as 'another room.' Are
you guys up for it?" Leigh and Melissa nodded and said that would be fine. We
walked back upstairs.

"We moved your stuff from the hotel, here, I hope you don't mind."
Melissa said.

"But we confiscated all of your," He pondered for the right choice of
words, perhaps. "Well, 'I,' confiscated all of your razors. You don't need them

My mind went blank, and then panicked, "You what?!?"

Leigh took my hand and put his free one on my cheek, "Adiline, my
little sweet and gentle Adiline. You don't need those anymore, you can put them
away now. There not your lifeline, you have a family, a good family that loves and
cares for you, 'we' are your lifeline now."

I suddenly realized that he was indeed telling the truth, I could put
away all of that stuff now, I had every fairytale story I could ever imagine now.

"Your right," I looked directly at him, "I do have you two, and I don't need those
selfish things anymore."

Melissa and Leigh looked at me with relief, like they had expected
another one of my short-tern breakdowns, and began to walk again. Leigh's hand
dropped from my cheek, but his other hand remained holding mine. 'Family,' I
toyed with the word in my mind.