Status: New, Active, Keep or Kill?

Hate Me

Speak to Me

I sat at the head of my bed as Ryan played F.E.A.R. It was now a familiar sight to see Ryan in my room, whether he was playing a game, talking to me, or even if we were kissing. Not that we did that a lot but it was fine that way.

“So, I see you two are quite happy with your-” Ryan cut Amy off as she stepped into the room with a pillow. She laughed and shrugged it off as Kale followed after her and sat in my computer chair while Amy sat on my bed.

“With your loving lifestyle,” she finished, catching Ryan off-guard enough to finish her sentence. He blushed and still threw another pillow.

Amy and Kale were the only ones who knew, and they didn’t find out for a little while. I’ll probably tell my parents formally that I’m dating Ryan. Though, he said he didn’t know about tell his parents. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of our relationship, of course but that he’d never really heard his dad talk extensively about gays or how he felt about them. However, I don’t really know if I’m exactly gay or whatever. Ryan’s really the only person I’ve liked, well, no I suppose that’s not exactly true because I have liked girls. I’ve never really expected to go out with a guy, either.

It doesn’t bother me and I’m sure May and Evan will love me no matter what. They might be concerned that it was the incident with Sloan that did this to me, though it wasn’t. I just… like Ryan.

“Are you guys ever going to tell your parents?” Amy asked, pouting.

“Yeah, I am. The timing just hasn’t really been right yet. You know what I mean?” I said, shrugging.

“At least you’re not like my useless brother and him and his being afraid and whatnot,” Amy laughed, earning another whack with the pillow.

“Why aren’t you telling your parents, Ryan? I kind of pegged your dad as an understanding guy,” Kale chimed in.

“Shut up you thug,” Amy grinned. Why does it strike me that she and Kale would make a really good couple? Oh, because they would.

I know Kale likes her. It’s so obvious. With the giving her rides on his motorcycle all the time and doing all those nice things for her and keeping an eye on her. He’s like her personal bodyguard. Since I’ve known him, all he’s cared about was the Mosaic. He loves that restaurant. I can’t see him giving it up for Amy, but he’d probably do anything else for her.

I grabbed for Ryan’s hand and wrapped my fingers around his, giving a small smile as I did.

“No! I wanna see a kiss!” Amy complained.

I looked up at Ryan shyly through my bangs, my face flushing with red. I bit my lip before I leaned in. I wanted to kiss him anyways. It was like proclaiming her was mine in front of everyone else.

I pressed my lips to his before he pressed back. The pressure was heavier than all the other times we’ve kissed. But it was just as brief as all the other times and it also filled my veins with the familiar feelings he gave me.

“Ugh,” Amy groaned as we pulled away. “She texted me again. She wants me home. I leave the house for an hour and she worries like this. Impossible.”

Ryan sighed. “I’ll take you home.”

They both stood up and said their goodbyes. Ryan pecked my lips, blushing as he did so and then hugged me.

“You guys really like each other, don’t you?” Kale said, watching as Ryan loaded Amy up in the car in the driveway below us.

“Uh… yeah… But, you like Amy don’t you?” I asked.

He turned to me, a deep blush on his face. It was funny, seeing someone so tough looking have his face so red. He hung his head in defeat.

“Yeah… I do. She’s just… so amazing. You know? She’s not like the other girls around here who are afraid to even say my name. I guess that’s Dad’s doing though. She’s also not the kind of woman to just take things. She really fights for what she wants. She’s strong and kind and…” He stopped himself. “Sorry…”

“I have a feeling she won’t reject you, though,” I suggested. He gave me a strange look.

“What makes you so sure?” He asked.

“I think she likes you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I finally updated.
I also started another story if you'd read it and possibly comment, I be very happy. :)
Reaching You