Hey Good-Looking

Chapter 1

~Momoshiro’s POV~

“All regulars gather around,” Captain Tezuka said.

“Yo, what’s up?” I asked.

“My cousin Abri is going to moving back to Japan and will be attending Seigaku. It’s my father’s wishes that I look after her. Since I am Captain and have other responsibilities I want you all to keep an eye on her,” Tezuka said.

I had never heard much about the Captain’s family. I wonder if this girl is anything like him; distant and scary.

“ She will be coming tomorrow,” he said.

I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

~Abri’s POV~

When I got off of the plane l looked around. I had no clue where to go. I hadn’t been home to Japan since I ten.

Now I was sixteen and have to move back because of the death of my father. My mother had died of illness when I was about 3.

I don’t remember her much, but I remember my father as clear as day. He raised me and taught me everything I know. Especially about tennis.

While I lived in England I competed in and won many competitions.

I preferred to compete against older players because those my age were like beginners playing against me. I wonder if my new school has a good team.

I have heard from my Uncle that my cousin is captain of the boys’ team and they are one of the best. I hope the same can be said about Seigaku’s girls’ team.

I’m also hoping to find a cute, nice, athletic, and funny boy. I know that is a lot of things, but I believe there is someone out there especially for me.

“Abri!” I heard someone call.

I turned to my right and saw my uncle. I ran into his arms.

“Hello Uncle. I’ve missed you so much,” I said.

“I’ve missed you to kid. Nice to see you again," he said hugging me.

“Where is Tezuka?” I asked noticing his absence.

“ As usual, tennis practice."

I really wanted to check this team out.

“ Do you think you can drop me off there?” I asked.

“ Sure. Tezuka can help with your things afterwards," he said.

So we got my bags and my uncle dropped me off at Seigaku. I brought my tennis racket so I could hit a few balls. Maybe even try out for the girls’ team.

When I walked to the courts I saw my cousin standing on the side with a boy about the same height as him with glasses and an older women who appeared to be the coach. The rest of the boys were doing different exercises on the court.

The girls on the next court over were packing up. I guess they were done. I’ll just have to talk to them when I officially start school tomorrow.

“Hello Tezuka,” I said standing beside him.

“Hello Abri,” he said in his usual out of the house tone.

I say that because around family or in his house he is a little more talkative and friendly.

I wasn’t expecting the warm greeting I would get if we were at home. I have no idea why he acted like this around others.

“I’m going to be over on the other court hitting some balls,” I said.

He nodded his head and I was on my way.

After hitting a few balls with my forehand and my backhand I decided to work on my serve.

I tossed the ball up into the air then jumped up and hit it with the top center part of the racket. The ball had a slight spin on it when it went zooming the ground right inside the line on the other side of the court.

“Nice serve,” I heard.

I turned to see a tall boy with short spiky hair.

“ Thanks,” I say giving him a smile.

“Momoshiro,” he says extending his hand.

I had heard about him and his dunk smash.

“ It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Dunk Smash. I’m Abri , your captain’s cousin,” I said shaking it.

“ I see you have done your research. And the pleasure is all mine. Tezuka told us you were coming but he didn’t mention anything about you being quite so beautiful,” he with a smile.

I looked down to hide the blush that crossed my cheeks.

“ Thank you. And he didn’t mention having such good-looking players on his team,” I replied.

“ So can this good-looking player call you later?” he asked.

Who would have thought I would find a cute guy within two hours of being here.

“Sure,” I said.

We exchanged cell phones and numbers.

Tezuka’s POV

“Hey Tezuka you might want to check this out,” Oishi said grabbing my attention.

I turned from my coversation with Coach Ryuzuki to the girls’ court.

I saw Momo talking to Abri. He said something that made her blush and look down. She replied and he smiled.

“He’s working his magic already,” Fuji said.

I knew Momo was a charmer and I would not let him use it on my cousin who knows nothing about him.

I mentally frowned not wanting the others to see that I was displeased.

Then I saw the two on the other court exchange phones.

“ Digits already. I need him to help me,” Eiji said.

“Practice is over,” I announced.

I turned away from the others, grabbed my bag, and made my way over to get Abri.

I heard Oishi as I left. “This is not going to be good,” he said to the others.

“Not at one bit,” Eiji replied.

As I got closer I heard part of their conversation.

I also could see the slight blush on her cheeks and smirk on his face.

“ Yep. I also work out twice a day almost everyday,” Momo said.

“ I can see the results,” Abri said touching his abdomen.

I clenched my jaw.

“ Wanna see?” he asked.

“Sure,” she replied smirking.

Thankfully I reached the two before the he could lift his shirt.

“ Uh…hey Captain,” he said when he saw me.

“ Abri we’re leaving,” I said ignoring him.

“ Okay later Momo,” she said.

“ Later,” he said looking like a love sick puppy. Pathetic.

Before I completely exited I turned back to Momo. I made sure Abri was out of ear shot.

“ You owe me twenty extra laps tomorrow,” I said.

The look on his face was priceless. I mentally smirked while I turned back around and left.

I caught up to Abri and waited till we were far enough away from the school to speak.

“ You are not allowed to communicate with Momoshiro,” I said to her.

“ What!? Why not?” she yelled.

“Because I said so,” I simply replied.

Abri’s POV

If he seriously thought I was going to listen to him he was dead wrong.

He’ll wish he never said that. He only knew the old good Abri. He hasn’t experienced the new Abri who breaks curfew and breaks rule. But if he kept this up he would definitely experience her.

Because I said so….really? What a joke.

I am going to communicate and hopefully date Momo no matter what Tezuka said.

The rest of the walk home was a silent one.

Once at home Tezuka silently brought my things to my room. When he was done I didn’t say thank you.

I simply began unpacking.

A few minutes after he left my phone rang.

I looked at the caller I.d and smiled before answering, “Hey good-looking….Yea I can definitely meet you in ten minutes.”
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Hope you enjoyed. I picked Mom because I figured he'd be the one on the team who had skills when it came to talking to girls.