The truth that changed my life.

Chapter 5

“Hey I’m home got some visitors you might want to see” said Mink.
“And who would that be Mink” replied Uncle Lou.
“It’s long lost Lexy” said Mink.
“OMG is it really, how are you?” they replied.
“I’m really good but I feel kinda wired though and this is my friend Mitch” said Lexy.
“Yeah it may take some time to get used to said Mink and Uncle Lou.
“Well would anyone like a drink” said Auntie may.
“Yeah ill have a coffee if that’s okay” said Lexy.
“Yeah how do you have it Lexy and would you like anything Mitch” said Auntie may.
“White 2 thank you” replied Lexy.
“No I’m fine I had a drink before I came, thanks anyway” said Mitch.
“Okay just ask if you want anything later” said Auntie may.
“Okay thanks” replied Mitch.
“Would it be okay if you ran us me by the basics of being a wolf or tiger” said Lexy and Mitch.
“Yeah sure, there are a few basic things to know be sure to listen to them and think them trough.” Mink replied seriously.
“Okay I will” said Mitch and Lexy.
~ Stay calm
~ Focus your energy
~ Have fun but no to much
~ Watch for suspicious people and animals
“And well that’s it for that go have fun” said mink.
“Okay well we are off then bye everyone” said Mitch and Lexy.
“Bye have fun” said everyone.
So Mitch and lexy ran back down to the beach where their whole life changed instantly they loved being different, being able to hear, smell and taste things how humans couldn’t they loved how they could feel wild and then go back to school and no one would no anything about it inside they felt like they were living the life that everyone could dream of but they were wrong.
“Hey Lexy can you smell that” said Mitch
“Yeah I can, what is it?” said Lexy.
“I think there are a lot of vampires near us we need help” said Mitch.
“I’ll get Mink hide somewhere till I get back” said Lexy.
So she ran as fast as she could and found Mink.
“Mink…Mink we need you help Mitch and I where surrounded by vampires I managed to get away to find you but I told Mitch to hide till I came back we can’t fight them on our own there are too many get back up” said lexy very distressed.
“Okay you go back to Mitch and I’ll get back up” said mink.
“Hurry” said Lexy