Return to Cemetery Drive

Return to Cemetary Drive 5

Forgive me, I don't remember if Bert had a girlfriend in the first story. >.<

Bert leads us to a deep blue mini-van. Mikey was the one Frankie was hugging.

"What, you have kids now Berty?"

He scrunches his face.

"Yeah right! Lauren left a year ago."

I pause from walking.


I quicken my pace to him. He opens the car, letting everyone get inside.

"Wait, what happened?"

He chews on the inside of his bottom lip, looking down, then back up at me.

"Not everyone was lucky Emily"

He gets in the driver seat and I enter in the back.

Not lucky? What in the world is he talking about?

It was a semi-long drive to the house. Sadly, we have to be around humans, to not have them question what we are since we look and dress very differently. He owns two houses. Both of them right by each other, two stories tall and pretty old looking.

I stare at them. They look as if they are apart of history. I look down the road and see a two story white house and a few stores.

"These people are pretty old fashioned, huh?"

Bert looks in his rear-view mirror at me, not saying a word. I bite down hard on my lip, looking back outside and keeping quiet. He pulls into the driveway and we all get out. My kids squeal and run inside one house. Squinting in the sunlight, I stare down that road at the white house.

There's something strange about this town.