Status: Complete. :D

Nothing Could Make Me Love You


"UGH!! Oh my god!!! You're so fucking annoying! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as I slammed my locker shut.

"Come on Jae Anne, it's just one date" Jake pleaded as he followed me to my last class. I abruptly stopped and spun on my heel to face Jake. He almost ran into me, but leaned back just in time.

"Jake, listen LISTEN very carefully. YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. TYPE!!!! Not to mention you and your friends made my life a living hell in junior high. So, hmmm of course I won't go on a date with you. Jackass." I had leaned closer with every word and I ended up not even an inch from Jake. Jake's mouth fell open a bit, but he quickly closed it. "That's what I thought." I spat as I turned back around and hit him with my dirty blonde hair. UGH!!!

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm Jae Anne Sayatovich. I'm 16, with dirty blonde hair that falls to my shoulders and green eyes. I'm 5'8ish, a sophomore and I look exactly like my daddy. Jake Ryan is my ex-friend. He's about 6'2ish with shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, 17 and a junior.

Jake and I go way back. We were best friends in elementary school, but all that changed when I was 12. Jake had just turned 13 and he was in seventh grade, junior high, and I were still in elementary school. I would go over to Jake's house when he'd have his friends over and they'd make fun of me. Jake NEVER stood up for me and it was depressing for me. I was 12 and a big girl, not very flattering to 13 year old boys. And when we were all in junior high, they'd pass me in the halls, they'd call me names and I kept everything bottled up until one day I let it all out in front of my dad. He called Jake's dad and well Jake never spoke to me again until last year when I got to high school. All that stuff with his friends and him being mean to me, made me tough. I grew some tough skin and I never let many people get close enough to hurt me. I blame him for that, and the fact that I have a very low self esteem.

Anyway, Jake and I never got along after that. And since I've been here at the high school, he's been trying to be nice to me. He's opened the door for me and he's even offered to drive me home. But I always walked by without saying thank you and I always refused to let him drive me home. NEVER again will I let that boy antagonize me. NEVER. All he wants is a booty call I'm sure, and I'm NOT his booty call.

I stormed off to band, seeing red and made it just before the bell rang. I dropped my stuff onto the table inside the practice room and ran over to my best friend Nicholea. [I never let myself cry in front of anyone but her, Kay Alicia, and Nate.] Grabbing her arm, I drug her out into the hallway where we kept our uniforms.

"Jae Anne what's wrong?" She asked as I stopped and let go of her arm.

"Ugh! I can't freaking take this anymore. Jake won't leave me alone. I hate him!! Doesn't he get it? He made my life a living hell!! Yet I find myself thinking about him an-and..." I trailed off as I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks. Nicholea embraced me in a hug and I cried into her shoulder.

"Shhh... it's okay Jay-Jay." She cooed to comfort me. I heard foot steps behind us and figured it was just Nate, so I kept crying.

"Nicholea, is she okay?" Asked Nate as he approached us. I felt her nod her head. Nate came up beside me and gently rubbed my back. They talked quietly as I finished up my crying and when I was done, I lifted up my head let go of Nicholea. I hurried up and told them I was alright and said I was going to the bathroom to fix my makeup. They said okay and I ran up the hall to the restroom.

I hurriedly fixed my eyeliner and mascara then went back to band, finding my stuff already at my chair. We played all of our songs from the past marching season and did almost everything perfectly. =) But why we did was beyond me, I mean it was the beginning of April for heaven's sake. I sighed and put my stuff away then stood by the door and waited for the bell to ring.

As I stormed off towards the front entrance to the buses, I hit something and fell backwards. A couple of people who were next to me started snickering and I brushed them off.

"Wow, someone's already falling for me." I heard a very familiar voice say as I stood up.

"Piss off, Jake." I said as I scooped my books off the floor.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry for what happened back then? Honestly haven't I said it like a million times?" He questioned as I walked to the bus. I huffed and stopped, facing him.

"Jake... you've apologized at least 2 million times in the past 2 years and you know what I said I forgave you, but I didn't forget. You hurt me," I felt the tears threaten to fall, "and I spent two years of my life wondering why I was never good enough for anyone. Specifically the boy I had fallen head over heels for in elementary school. So, I really don't know what to say to you." The fresh hot tears fell and right then I didn't care who saw them.

"Jay-Jay -" He started but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare call me that. Only the people who love me enough to stick up for me in front their friends and people who are my friends are allowed to call me that!" I spat a bit teary.

"Jae Anne don't you get it? I did stick up for you, you just never heard it. You never stuck around to hear me. You always walked away right before I could save the day." He took a step closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "Jay-Jay, I loved you in junior high, enough to tell my friends off every time they said something horrible about you. Why do you think I had AEP [that's in-school] so much? I always told them to shut their mouths and to get off their damn high horses. But You know what? When you told your dad, I did stop sticking up for you, you made me soo damn mad. But I DID stick up for you. And I still do because I love you!" The tears fell at a constant rate and they were falling fast. Jake took my books from me and dropped them on the floor before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, hugging me. I sobbed into his chest and he just petted my hair and told me everything was fine.

I had no idea why I was crying into his chest and why I was standing here holding onto the guy who made my life hell. It took me a minute to clam down enough to push him away and grab my books without talking to him. I ran out to the parking lot [the buses had just left.] and found Nate and Nicholea "talking" in his Jimmy. Nicholea spotted me and jumped out of the Jimmy and over to me. I told her what Jake had said and asked if they could take me home.

Everything in my life had been turned upside-down and inside-out. Nothing in this world could make me love him... or could it?


After Nicholea and Nate took me home, I ran up to my room and laid down on my bed. Everything Jake told me ran through my head. He said he loved me. He LOVED ME!!! I couldn't have misunderstood him could I? I mean I loved everything about him when I was younger, but I couldn't still... right? I promised myself I wouldn't love him, but he did spill his guts and he did act like he used too today, but most of all he made me feel better.

A conclusion was made an hour later... I did love Jake. No matter how many times he hurt me, I would always forgive him... because I love him. [somehow I do.] I looked at my clock and noticed it was only 4:30. Enough time to go Jake's. After about five minutes of debating about calling him to meet me, I finally just texted him form my brother's phone and said 'Meet Me @ the park. kay?' He texted back 'Kay. Meet u there in 5.' I bolted for the door and yelled that I was going to the park and that I'd be home in like an hour. Dad said okay and I left.

I sat on the swing and waited for Jake to show. I felt a pair of hands grab the top of my swing and I leaned back to see who it was. Jake. A smile threatened to emerge but I quickly shot forward and stood up. Jake had moved so he was beside me and he grabbed my hand. I looked over at him, a slight pink color on my face, and he started pulling me towards the woods. When we reached the edge he stopped and pulled me towards him. My bangs had fallen back over my right eye. Jake pushed them back and leaned his head closer to mine.

"I knew you were the one who texted me." He whispered into my ear, his cool breath sent a slight shiver down my spine. I nodded my head.

"Jake... umm, I have a confession, but before I tell you, I need to know something." I looked up into his blue eyes and they weren't far from mine. I went to say something but I felt Jake brush his lips against mine. I didn't hesitate and kissed him back, throwing my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on the small of my back and pushed me closer to him. I knew right then and there that Jake loved me and I loved him. After about a minute, Jake and I pulled back and were slightly out of breath.

"Jake..." I said a little breathless.

"Yeah?" He replied just as breathless.

"I - I love you." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Do you know HOW long I've been waiting on you to say that?" He asked pulling me into his chest.

"No.." I answered truthfully.

"A long ass time." He chuckled and pulled my upper body away. He looked me in the eyes and I swore I saw a glimpse of heaven. "Jay-Jay, I love you too." He kissed me sweetly on the lips and then walked me home.

Who would of thought I'd fall in love with the boy made me the way I am today? The boy who made me so tough yet so vulnerable. Jake was the boy I loved and I'm glad I have him.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) I've been meaning to repost this for awhile... but I never made it that far.
Hope you liked it! :D
Comment; please!?

Jae Anne's Outfit