She Doesn't Know Who I Am, and She Doesn't Give a Damn

She packed her clothes in her suitcase And put the case in her car. She says she's gotta get so far

“I cant wait for you to get here!” My cousins Jessica’s voice rang over the speaker phone.

I threw a bunch of shirts carelessly into one of the suitcases. “yeah. Me too.”

I could hear movement over the phone. “Well your room is all ready so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I said as I zipped the suitcase shut. “Love you!”

“Love you too!” Then the click of the phone was heard.

I sighed and sat on my bed. “Looks like tonight our last day baby.” My little dog just coked her head and came to lay next to me.

“Night night Coketa.” I turned the lights off and went to sleep, with Coketa cuddled at my side.


I closed the door to the front door and made my way to my beat up ford car. I put the key in and the engine came to life with a purr. I loved this car, sure it was old but it had been with me for a good 3 years.

I soon as I turned onto the main street Batcountry By Avenged Sevenfold cam on. Coketa barked and waged her tail. I turned up the music and started to sing along with the music. You could say I love my metal but I also love all other types of music.

So the Drive to Jessica’s was a couple hours, 9 to exact. So when I got to her house it was late. Id say about 2 in the morning. Jessica had called me a few hours before cause she was worried about me.


“You have reached your destination.” The electronic voice said as I pulled up to Jessica‘s driveway.

I got out of the car letting Coketa jump out after me. I grabbed just a duffel bag for the night and left my other stuff in the car.

I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. not even five seconds passed before I had Jessica hugging me to death. “You’re here!”

“Jess, I cant breathe” She jumped off of me and shoved me inside.

She sat me down on a couch and Coketa jumped up on my lap. “I’m so glad you came to stay with me!”

“I know me too! This is gonna be like those crazy sleepovers we had when we were 13”

We stayed up for about 3 hours just talking about what we had done for the past years we hadn’t really seen each other.

“Well think we should go to bed.” Jessica said with a yawn.

I nodded my head and got off the couch. “Yeah I’m beat from the drive.”

I followed her up the stairs when she suddenly stopped. “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, I’m having a bond fire tomorrow so you can meet my boyfriend and some of my friends.” She said in an excited tone.

I just looked at her and shrugged. “Okay, yeah sure.”

She just squealed and walked me to my new room.


“Yo Nick!” Eric yelled as he walked into the apartment he shared with Nick.

Nick looked up from his laptop. “Yeah?”

Eric sat down on the couch. “Jess said she’s having a bond fire tomorrow so we can all meet her cousin.”

“Oh” Nick didn’t even look up from his laptop. “That’s nice.”

Eric sighed and looked at his best friend. “Come on Nick, Your gonna go and your gonna have fun. You have to get out more, have fun, your depressed all the time.”

Nick looked up from his laptop now. “What’s up with you man?” Eric asked in a worried tone.

“Its just that…” he paused for a bit and bit his lip. “I feel lonely sometimes.”

Eric raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean lonely? Were always around”

“I don’t mean that kinda lonely, its just that I wanna have someone to call my own you know?”

“Oh…” Eric knew what this was about. Sure Nick had been in relationships before but most of them only wanted him because of his fame. “look Nick, your gonna fined the girl thats right for you, you just hang in there okay.”

Nick looked a little skeptic. “Yeah”


So who would have thought that, that day would come so soon for Nick Santino…. We Know he didn’t
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Okay this is my new story!!
i was craving.... yes craving to write a Nick Santino fanfic. hehe hes just so cute not to! and also there's a boy in my school who looks just like nick so my friends and i have been obsessed with the boy and Nick all this school year... yes lame i know! lmao
well anyways please give this story a shot and let me know what you think!!
