Amped Up: Why Is My Name Jason?


Since Uncle Joe, Uncle Nick, and I intended on performing, we flew out to Washington, D.C. where we intended on performing Lovebug before anyone else. Aunt Lizz, Aunt Selena, Aunt Kyra, Aunt Chloe, Uncle Frankie, all my cousins, my father, Garrett, and Maddie would be flying out in about two days to see the performance. That was definitely a good thing; I wanted all of them to be there when the song was performed. My father, Garrett, and Maddie especially. They all ignored me. They had done so from the time I was a young boy. Well, they definitely wouldn’t ignore me on Christmas Eve when the Jonas Brothers performed Lovebug albeit with me there rather than my father. That was the one time in which all eyes would be on me rather than my siblings and everyone in the world would realize the musical ability that I had inherited from my father and uncles.

Ever since Aunt Lizz told me about this performance, I had not seen heads or tails of my mother. What she said was true: her link to us was fading. I asked Aunt Lizz before leaving if she had seen Mom, but it was to no avail. My father’s stubbornness had caused my mother to lose contact with us until Lovebug eventually got played by my father. That was to be New Year’s Eve. Uncle Joe and Uncle Nick planned on performing Lovebug on New Year’s Eve. If my father went up to join them, things would continue as they were amid Mom talking to me and Aunt. Of course, if Paul Kevin Jonas II didn’t do what was required of him, my mother would cross over and never get the chance to speak with us ever again. Terrible, I know, but there was really nothing I could do at the moment to persuade my father that he needed to start playing Lovebug again. Aunt Lizz mentioned the bananas, but there was no telling as to whether that would actually convince my father to do this.

“You ready, Jason?” Uncle Nick asked.

“I think so,” I replied.

“Well, don’t let it bother you that this performance is going to be televised to the entire world. Everyone in the world is going to be able to hear Lovebug again. To bring Manda back as well as bring Lovebug back into airplay, your aunt intended for this to be televised worldwide and ensure that Kevin was forced to play it for Manda. She brought him so much joy during the fifteen months that he knew her and she was alive that when she died, the part of him that liked playing Lovebug died away with her. Plus, the part of him that cared for you might have died along with her as well,” Uncle Nick reminded me.

“Yeah, I know.”

When we got off the plane and began heading over to the hotel, I had this gut feeling that my father was once again going to try to prevent us from forcing him to play Lovebug again. He did it all the time. So, why would this be any different from all the other times? “Uncle Joe, Uncle Nick, are you sure that this is going to work? My father doesn’t want to play this song and there’s really no way to know for sure whether this will convince him.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Uncle Joe said. “Our plan will work. Kevin won’t be leaving the East Coast until he plays the song for Panda. Lizard made sure of that. She doesn’t want to lose the connection that the two of them had. Over the years, I came to learn that Panda and Lizard became close during the time we lived with them both as a result of their parents deaths. Prior to all of this, your mother and aunt were known for fighting a lot and bothering each other constantly. Things changed when their parents died and they became all they had left. When Panda died, Lizard took it pretty hard. Not as hard as Kevin, but still. So, there is absolutely no way in hell that Lizard plans on losing this connection to her sister because your father hates that he didn’t get to see her for seventeen years.”

“It better,” I grumbled. There was absolutely nothing that would prevent me from communicating with my mother. Not even my father. He desperately needed to understand that Mom needed to hear Lovebug or else she’d disappear forever. My father was being just far too stubborn about all of this. I sighed. There must be some way to convince my father to play that song. It’s Mom’s favorite song and he just won’t play it for her. Dad must understand that he’s giving up his own chance at communicating with Mom by not playing the song. That just wasn’t right. And, if I may quote a Jonas Brothers song, namely the one my father refuses to play: my father never thought that he’d get hit by this Lovebug again…by my mother. It just hit him too hard for him to even get over and everyone knew it.

“It’s going to,” they assured me.

“Okay,” I muttered as we began practicing Lovebug. Not really believing my uncles though, I began muttering something to myself, making quite sure that neither of them could hear me. “I just don’t see any of this happening though. Dad won’t play Lovebug. He hasn’t done so for seventeen long years and it’s caused me to be forced to play it in order to resurrect a forgotten Jonas Brothers song, one that was removed from airplay at my father’s request on November 5th, 2009, my father’s twenty-second birthday. Plus, not like Dad ever remembered…or cared…but that’s also Garrett's, Madison's, and my birthday.”
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