Illegal Skittles and Rainbow Penguins


“This Sucks!” Frank yelled, turning to face Gerard, “How Dare they declare Skittles Illegal?!”
“They did it, because of people like you,” he replied, unenthusiastically.
“What do you mean by that?!” screamed Frank, over reacting once again, because of withdrawal.
You see, Frank is obsessed with skittles, as were millions of other teens, skittles had become as addicting as any other 21st century drug, (although that was years ago, and these days no one even remembers such things) with bad withdrawal effects. The outrageous amount of sugar found in these tiny candies hooks children from their first bag, and from then on, they need these sugary substances to get through the day. May be very profitable for the candy factory which produces skittles, they cannot distribute enough of the candy to every store for all the addicts. The lack of skittles caused many break-ins, and robberies, just for the candy. When the convict would go to court to plead their case, all they needed to do was plead temporary insanity, and they would be let free. After two months straight of such cases congress got fed up and decided to motion the permanent band of all skittles, everywhere. Many found this a good idea, and so it was set, and now, two years later, they finally declare skittles officially illegal.
They knew this would cause even more problems for any salesperson, which had the miss-convenience of selling skittles. So along with making these candies illegal, they also made rehab clinics for the addicted to go, and by law they had to, unless they had at least one guardian at all times, who has never eaten a skittle, or who has, but hadn’t gotten addicted, watching over them, and helping them recover, as well as keep them safe. Also, any who would break into stores for skittles, wouldn’t even go to court, they would go straight to the rehabs.
“Frankie, Chill. Its Not the End of the World,” Gerard stated, although he knew that would just make matters worse.
“CHILL!? They just fucking made Skittles Illegal! And you want me to CHILL?!
“Well, if you calm down, I may just have a surprise for you…” That was it, Franks Weak spot, he Loved surprises, and would do Anything for them, even forget the unfair law. When Gerard said this, franks eyes went as wide as a 5 year old on their best Christmas. He sat down Indian style in front of Gerard, and gave him his famous ‘you’ll do anything for this face’ puppy pout.
Gerard simply laughed, he was the only person who could refuse that face, or so at least Frank thought. (but that never stopped him from trying.) “I cant believe you expect me to actually Tell you what it is man. You know me better than that. A surprise is a surprise, and is not meant to be ruined ahead of time. You’ll just have to wait. Oh, and pack a bag too, that is.”