Status: Finished.

Breaking High

High Recognition

Rexconn walked up to Ekarix's door and knocked, hoping to retrieve his weapon for a minor Heartless mission in Agrabah that Madixa assigned to him.

"Come in!~" Ekarix's voice answered, although it seemed a little too high-pitched and off-key to be her's.

Feeling a little cautious and worried, Rexconn opened the door to be blown in the face with cigarette smoke, causing him to go into a coughing fit. Waving the smoke away so he could get a better view, he saw Ekarix curling a squirrel's fur with a curling iron.

He seemed confused before Ekarix turned around with a high expression on her face.

"Howdy 'ere, partnah! Jus' take a seat over 'ere while I finish dis 'ere patient, sugah," she said in a horrible country girl accent, pointing to her closet, mistaking it for a seat.

"Uh... No thanks, I'll just stand..." Rexconn said as he looked around the room for his weapon.

"Whatevah you wan', Hun," Ekarix replied as she continued to work on the poor squirrel, who was scared out of his mind and strapped to a random doll chair.

Rexconn finally decided to sit down on the couch until Damia came rushing in with a hatchet in her hands before throwing it at the squirrel, missing and hitting the mirror instead, shattering it to pieces.

"I hate squirrels; they must die!" Damia screamed as she grabbed the hatchet and chased the free squirrel as Ekarix paid no attention as she continued to work on an imaginary patient.

Sighing, Rexconn finally found his weapon near his feet and ran out as fast as he could.