Status: writing more:)

Remembering Sunday

Flash Back

"Ivy Haven Herold, I love you," Max said shyly as he pushed a strand of hair from my face."This isnt a game for me I want you to know that."
"I love you too!" I said as i felt my face turn bright red. I cant beilive this is happening, I never thought he would be the first to say it. My cheeks were still burning when i flet a snow flake hit my cheek. It wa so cold it burned when it touched me.
"I mean it, and dont you ever forget it!" He said as he took me by the hand and he lead me to the nearest bench. "Close your eyes," he said as he walked behind meand placed something on my neck. "Okay, open."
"Oh, Max I love it, its beautiful!" I said as i admired the gold heart shapped necklace.
"Not as beautiful as you," he said as he kissed me passionatly.
"Oh what a line." I said as i giggle.
"Yea, but it got you to look up at me so I could kiss you." He said as he smiled my favorite smile.
"Happy Valentines day!" I said as i squeezed his hand.
"Can you do something for me?" Max asked.
"Yea anything," I answered kinda confused.
"Promise me you will love me till the day I die. If you do this for me you will make me the happiest man alive!" He said as he stood up.
" I promise." I said as he picked me up and kissed me.
"So, how was your night, last night?" My best friend Lindsay asked as she folded her legs criss-cross-apple-sauce on my bed.
"Magnificent, look!" I said as i showed her the necklace.
"AWWW...hes soo in love!" She cooed.
"Hold that thought," I said as i felt my phone vibrate. "Hello, yes this is she- -April slow down--wait what..." I said as i felt my haert being taken from my body, I couldnt breath, my eyes started to fill with tears, "okay, thanks for telling me, I have to go." I hung up and grabbed my chest trying to keep it from ripping even more, i continued to cry like I have never cryed before.
"What happened?" Demanded Lindsay!
"!" i finally managed to choke out, as i sobbed i felt my mascara filled tears running down my cheeks.
"Oh my god im soo sorry!" She said as she wrapped her arms around me. All i could think of was his smile, the way it flet when we kissed. I couldnt beilieve he was gone. All i could hear was "Promise me you will love me till the day i die."
.......................................................................................................................................................................For that whole week people would come ti visit me, bring me flowers and cards that said things like "Im so sorry, if you ever need to talk im here." No I dont want to talk if i fucking wanted to talk id talk. all i wanted to do was listen to his favorite sond and look at the picture of us. I appriciate all the sympathy but I just need to be alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
More soon :) hope you like it, comments appriciated (: