Upire Magistus

So Many Places

Jayden felt the bed bounce, and rolled over onto his stomach, mumbling to himself. He was still extreamly tired, not only because he had three hours of sleep, but he had to take care of his youngest son. "Al, stop it. You're going to wake up Daddy."

"Sorry, Mommy."

A smile formed on Jayden's face as Madison told Allen to stop jumping on their King Size bed- the bed even Jayden's oldest sons loved to jump on when they were younger. Jayden felt Madison pick up Allen, and leave the room, shutting the door behind them, letting Jayden time to get up and get ready.

Pulling on his suit for the day, a pair of black pants that were semi-baggy, a white tucked in undershirt under a black button up dress shirt, with a red tie. He combed his hair into a quick spike back, and brushed his teeth. He heard the door open and peered out the door at his wife.

"You need to get the boys up. It's their first day today, remember?"

First day? Jayden spat out the toothpaste and rinsed out his mouth. Wait, it was the first day of school today, wasn't it? That meant Jayden had a few hours to himself before he had to leave for a two hour meeting, followed by a class he has to teach from five to nine that night. He hated his job- a boss in a computer/internet making system, and he teaches a college class of 30 to make computer chips, and how everything works in a computer and online. It was worth it, though, because he got a lot of salary income, about one thousand dollars per two hours, or five hundred dollars an hour. Madison leaned on the door, and Jayden leaned over and gave her a tender kiss, "Morning. Okay, I'm on it. Three highschoolers. What are they now? Juniors?"

"BJ and Mikey are Seniors. Franky is the Junior," Madison laughed and Jayden smiled, "Billy's going into second grade, and the twins are a preschool all day."

"Madi, I know," Jayden smiled and walked out from the bathroom. He left and knocked on a door. A groan answered, "BJ, up. Now."

"Go away..." the groan answered. BJ, also known as William Joseph, or Billy Joe, was Jayden's oldest son, adopted and in the family.

"Get up or you're walking seven miles to and from school today," Jayden sighed.

"Fine! Fine!" BJ opened the door and stared at his father. He wore clad pajamas and his light brown hair fell messily into his dark green eyes.

"Dressed, breakfast in twenty minutes," Jayden commanded, and moved to his next door. He didn't even have to knock before the door opened and Mike, his second oldest adopted son, leaned against the door frame.

"I'm already ready," Mike grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. His blond hair was combed.

"Teeth brushed?" Jayden asked- he really hated being the military man of the house but he had a lot of responsibilty.

"Of course, dad," Mike grinned, pulled his blue backpack from the bed, that was made neatly, and headed down the stairs. Billy followed him. Jayden had one more son to check- Billy and Mike were downstairs, Madi had brought the twins down, BJ was getting ready, that left his youngest adopted son- Frank. He knocked on the door.

"HideyHo!" Frank jumped out and Jayden nearly fell backwards. He growled. "Oops, sorry, Dad."

"How many times have I told you not to do that?" Jayden asked, rubbing his head and fixing his hair. Frank grinned.

"Lot's of times. I keep forgetting. Must run in the family," Frank skidded out of his room, slammed the door and headed downstairs for breakfast. Jayden sighed and BJ's door opened, and he quietly passed his father and wandered down, too. Jayden followed.