A silent Love.

Being the new Kid.

Being a new kid on the block and in highschool isnt really my cup of tea. Especially when everyone likes to stare and make it obvious. I dont care about being stared at that much, but when you stare at my ass in every class, we have another story.
"Dude, really? Are you really gonna stare at my ass all day?" I had to confront this douchbag walking behind me staring.
"Oh god, I'm sorry.." to be honest, this guy was kinda cute, and you could tell his as really embarrassed to see he was caught.
"It's all good man. Im just not that into having guys i dont know stare at my ass." I couldnt help but want to make this guy feel alittle better.
"Ohh.. well im really sorry.. I didnt honestly think i was that obvious..God im so embarrassed now.." He tried to turn and run from me but i caught his hand as a reaction. I dont really know why but i wanted to stay with him.
"You dont have to be embarressed. I'm Ryan, whats your name?" I could tell he wanted to tell me a lot of things but he just stuttered.
"O-oh.. U-um I-I'm Arik" he just looked like he wanted a hug. So I had to give him one.
"You look like you need a hug, aha, would you like one?" But I had to ask first.
He just stared blankly at me for a second and slightly nodded; as a way to say yes.
So I had to bend down alittle to get my arms around him since he was shorter and gave him what I intended to be heartwarming hug. To be honest, it was really nice.. He was petite and warm, and he knows how to get close in a hug, aha. It was a great moment until this dumbass jock came up and pushed Arik into me, causing us to fall down with him onto me.
The jock mumbled something along the lines of "fag" and he took out his phone and took a picture of us but I slightly pushed Arik off just in time to grab his phone and give him my best death glare.
"If you ever try that fucking stunt again, I'll slit your throat." He didnt even look like he was breathing after that and he stumbled backwards into the girls bathroom. Some girls that were talking in there started to scream and hit him, yelling at him to get out. Eventually he ran off to his car and drove home or somewhere, but i dont really care.
I turned to face Arik, expecting to see him laughing like I was, but he just looked at me like a scared puppy dog with his tail between his legs. Then it hit me like a fat sumo wrestler ready to play, I scared him and he started to cry.. He tried to stand but he couldnt get his legs to listen I guess.
"Arik, listen. I didnt mean to frighten you, that guy was just pissing me off.. Are you really scared of me..?" He caught his breath and looked at me again in the eyes.
"I-I ju-ust....Y-You said youd s-sl-slit his th-throat..." His eyes were overflowing by now with new tears. I wanted to hug him again with all my might but I told myself he would probably hate me for it..
"Can you stand? I..I could take you to the nurse's office if you want..?" I stared into his eyes hoping he could see that I truly sorry.
"I just need to... I dont know.. I just wanna go home.."He read my eyes like an open book, which was good, but then he looked to the ground and mumbled something that I couldnt catch the first time.
"What? What did you say.. you said it to low.. I couldnt hear.." I went to my knee to see his face better. Seeing that I was standing up, looking down at him.
"Could.. you.. umm..." He looked around nervously like he could just crawl in a ball and hide.
"Could I what? I'll do anything.."I was just hoping he wouldnt ask me to leave him alone.. I hardly knew him, but I didnt want to be the one to leave him on the cold hallway floor alone.. and I wanted to stay with him alittle bit longer.
"Could you.. umm, take me home..?" He looked at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. How could I say no??
"Of course! Where do you live?" I got the feeling I said that too quick because he let out a faint giggle. I had to giggle alittle too.. I'm acting like a fool but hell, I'm alowd to.
"I live in the same neighborhood as you.. We're neighbors.." He said looking me in the eye with a dash of red in his cheeks and a small smile on his lips.. like he was proud.. He does have nice lips, and his body isnt that bad.. aha, he looks hot in those skinnies..Wait...What am I thinking..? Really..we're neighbors? Wait.. I live next to him.. that means I can get to know him easily.. This should be a fun year.
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I would write a lot more, but I was hoping to put the rest in other chapters.. Should I continue? :)