A silent Love.

The Ride Home.

I asked this beautiful guy that I only met today, only because I was staring at his ass, if he could drive me home. I didn't expect him to be so okay with it at first but when he said yes really quickly I knew I wouldn't regret this that much. And I'm glad he looked happy when he found out that we were neighbors.

So after he helped me up from the floor, he told me to follow him and took me out to his car
and unlocked the doors. "Get in" He said this with a smile on his beautiful face.

"O-okay" I slipped into the passenger seat in his dirty black car. When we were out of the parking lot and on the highway, he tried to strike a conversation which was kind of awkward. And I was thinking about a lot at the moment.

"So..." He tried to look at me and the road, but it didn't really work out. "Um.. do you like school?" Wow.. he was really trying, huh?

"Uhh. No.. I actually hate it. I'm made fun of everyday, the teachers ignore me, and the best part is, I get beat up for being gay." Oh fuck. I said it. GREAT. Now he's probably going to stop his car on the side of the road and tell me to get out and die somewhere. Wait for it..

"Oh that's cool, I've always wondered what it was like to be with a guy. But I'm sorry you get beat up for it.. Homophobia's Gay.(Frank Iero quote)" Wait.. What? The cars still on the road.. He didn't yell, and he said it was "cool".. maybe he really is interested? This could be cool.

"Really? You're not gonna through me out of the car and make me walk home?" I tried not to sound too surprised but he definately looked shocked.

"What? Why would I? That would be a stupid reason to make you walk home!' Seems that he's serious.. That's good, I smiled to myself.

"So what are you doing later? Like tonight?" He looked over to me when stopped at a red light.

"Um.. Nothing special.. I usually just watch TV in my room and fall asleep to yelling." Oh no, now that I didn't want to say out loud. I hope he doesn't look too into that..

"What? Yelling? Why?" He looked worried than curious. But I can't tell him.. I don't want him to feel bad.

"Oh.. um.. The TV! Somehow the show I'm watching is always screaming, aha. Weird right?" Trying to plan it off as nothing.

"Oh.. that is weird.." He bought it, whew! That's when we pulled into his drive way. No one in the car made a move to get, but he started saying something.

"So.. would you like to come over tonight? I don't really like being alone a lot.. I don't really have friends here.. But I wanna be friends with you, if you don't mind.." He looked at me questioning me with his eyes.

"Oh yeah! That sounds fun! And I'd loved to be friends with you.. You're nice to me" I couldn't fight back my smile any longer so I let him see it and he returned it with a grin that was ear to ear wide.

"Great! Well if you want I could walk you to your house from here? Which house is it?" He started looking around.

"Oh, its the one to your left. With the crappy car and dark shutters." I said pointing to my not so heartwarming home.

"Oh well, let's get you home. But before we go, what's your cell number?" He pulled out his cell phone waiting for me to do the same, so I took out mine and switched with him.

"K, now we take you home." We got out of the car and walked like 10 steps to my house, although I don't see why he wanted/needed to walk me to my door.. But it's okay, I didn't mind.

"I'll text you" He said and he winked at me behind he turned on his heels and walked the small distance to his doorstep.

"See yah!" I walked into my house and instantly ran to my room before my mom could yell me into the kitchen to tell her about my day. My mom is the only one that's nice to me.. The yelling I hear at night is my dad yelling at my mom. He always drunk and screaming at her for making her son gay. Of course, he plans all of his life problems on his gay son.

Once I set all my school stuff down in my fairly clean room I rested on my bed for a second and then I felt my phone vibrate. I opened the text saying:
"Hey! hehe, look out your window! ;) I think you're neighbor wants to say hi ;P"

The ID name was Ryno..like the animal aha, how cute. So I went to my window only to open it to a smiling Ryan.

"Hehe, hey neighbor!" He was very happy for some reason, wonder why.

"Hey" I smiled at this gorgeous guy who actually wanted to talk to me.

"Oh, wanna come over around 6ish?"

"Sounds good, Ry. Aha, are you picking me up?" Of course I was being sarcastic, but he actually agreed.

"Oh sure, aha, do you mind if I leave now so I can "hot" myself up?" He smirked pervertedly and looked at me.

"O-oh.. umm. Sure?" Was I supposed to say no? Well of course not.. I thought he looked hot already, if he wanted to look hotter, who am I to object?

"K, bye sugar." He winked at me then closed his window and left me there to think about what I was going to do to "hot" myself up a bit too. Hmm.

After 30 minutes of raiding my closet for hot clothes, I settled for really tight skinnies that looked like a second pair of skin and a tight Mindless Self Indulgence tee. I put some black eyeliner on and some red eyeshadow to make my eyes pop. Hope he likes it!

Soon there was a knock on my front door, so saving my self the embarrassment, I raced down stairs before my mom got to the door. But of course, too late.

"Oh hi there! Can I help you?" My mom greeted Ryan with a warm smile but you could tell she was mildly confused, so I stepped beside her and introduced them.

"Mom, this is my friend Ryan, from school. Ryan, this is my mom." She looked at me, then him, then me again. Then she gave me the biggest life draining hug of my life! "OOOOH HONEY! I'm so happy you got yourself a friend!!!"

"M-Mo-MOM! I.. CAN'T...BREATHE!" She let go but I noticed that she just went straight to Ryan and did that same, but he didn't complain. Even hugged her back.

"Well mom, I'm going to his house so BYE!" I had to yell the last part because she wasn't paying attention.

"Bye sweetie! Bye Honey!" I couldn't tell who was who, but Ryan turned and said it was nice to meet her.

So to save myself and Ryan from my mom, I dragged him to his own house and waited for him to let me it because it was freezing out.

Ryan just stared at me for atleast 5 minutes before unlocking the door, but as soon as the door clicked open, his lips met mine and he dragged me to the other side of the door. He forced my back against the door and his tongue glazed my bottle lip, asking for entrance which I gladly gave him. Although we hardly knew each other, we were making out in his living room and I didn't mind at all. But soon I had to stop for air.. Woow.. That was NICE.

Ryan blushed and back me off the door and looked me in the eyes. All I was thinking about was kissing him again.. Horny much? Maybe alittle. I think Ryan could tell cause I kind of had a tent in my pants that was really starting to get uncomfortable, so Ryan placed his face in my neck and nibbled on my ear a little.

"No one's home.. The house is empty until Tuesday." He started attacking my neck and dragging me down to the basement..why the basement? "Let's go to my room.." He said with his hot breath grazing my neck, sending shivers down my spine.. His room? Now I really need to fix my problem!
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot longer aha.. I tried to check grammar and I did give Arik a change in personality by making him less of a pansy than the first chapter :P

comments? :)
Co-Writers = nsn.lover.mady111 :D