Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


August 18

August 18

School starts in two weeks. Ugh. It’s not like I don’t know what to expect. I mean, the school is based in a sunny, perky city right on the beach in southern California. I’m not one who normally leans toward stereotyping, but (okay, so maybe I happen to stereotype a lot) I’ll be the only one within a hundred mile radius with a regular body-type, natural brown hair, and cancer-less skin.

How depressing.

My name is Jordan. I’ve just moved to ‘Sunny Cali” because… Well, the ‘because’ of it is sorta complicated. I don’t feel like going into it. Anyway, we used to live on the other side of the country, ‘we’ being me, my mom, my dad, and my little brother, Jaden.

Over the years, a few random souls have referred to me as mysterious. I'm not entirely sure where they'd gotten that. Sure, I don't blab my entire life story to every idiot with internet access, but isn't that how it's supposed to be? Really, I’m not exactly the ‘mysterious’ type. My mother calls me "mope-ish," as if it were a real word. Jaden calls me Emo.

Anyway, I found this…this stupid journal…on the clearance rack at Spencer’s. Or was is Hot Topic? Or, hell, was it Mystics? I don’t even remember. The mall here is so freaking huge that I spent a full afternoon in there yesterday, out of pure boredom, and only saw half of it. I saw this on the clearance rack, covered in black and purple satin with little, silver dragonflies fluttering across the front, and I realized that I had to have it. It sorta reminded me of how much I used to love to write, y’know, back when I had nothing to write about.

I still have nothing to write about, but, I don’t know, the thought of starting my own journal is kinda neat and, hell, Cali is a new adventure, a new start. Isn’t that why people start journals?

In all honesty, though, I think I’d rather be fried in slug slime and served up with overripe bananas then step foot in that glass-and-sandstone-walled, rich-kid’s prison.