Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


November 6

November 6

I HATE HER!! It absolutely amazes me that her face doesn’t burst into flames every time I look at her, what with the pure, unadulterated FIRE that seems to burst from every inch of my skin every time that BITCH comes near me.

Can’t she see that she's totally useless? Can’t she see that I DON’T WANT HER IN MY LIFE??

WHY doesn’t she see this? I think I make it so freaking OBVIOUS.

Who am I ranting about this time? Sweet, dear, old MOTHER, of course!

All she does all day is mope around the house, cleaning and recleaning every available surface, crying her eyes out every FREAKING night, drowning herself in countless bottles, and then she has the NERVE to come and tell ME to GET A LIFE, aka: go out with the totally “Oh My Goooosh” bitches that go to my school.

Of course, she didn’t use those exact words. Per se.

I mean, WHAT am I supposed to do with that? She can’t give me advice on how to pull myself together when I’m about to dissolve in a puddle of self-pity. She can’t tell me how to earn enough money for college. She can’t help me do the shopping or even care for her own son. And yet, she has the NERVE to tell me to, ahem, ‘get shallow.’


Do you get it now? Do you understand why don’t want to see her ugly face again? Ever?