Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


September 5

September 5

My favorite class is art. It’s a year-long course here, unlike back home where it was only a semester. But it’s sort of an open class. The Teacher figures the kids smart and talented enough that they don’t need guidance. Which, you know, is completely fine with me. I found a chair and table in the corner and plugged my iPod in my ears and totally ignored everyone else.

Cell phones, mp3 players, video games, etc are NOT allowed on campus under any circumstance under PENALTY OF DEATH.

As if I care. I like my music. So yeah, just me and Breaking Benjamin and ART. I am going to love that class.