Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


September 7

September 7

I had that dream again last night. Through the black of sleep, I saw the flashing red light on the wall of my old bedroom. I heard the wail of the sirens. I saw my mom crying, her tears bright against her pale, washed-out cheeks. Her dark hair was a mess, thrown up into a messy bun; she hadn't even had a chance to go to bed, yet.

When I woke up, my heart was pounding so hard it threatened to burst. It still scares me, even though it’s been seven years.

Jaden woke up with me; I must’ve made some sound. He didn’t say anything, just stepped out of his bed and crawled into mine. I fell asleep with his breathing right next to me. I tried not to think about anything else.

The rest of today was boring. I won’t bother putting it down.