Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


October 10

October 10

I’m starting to wonder why I even write. It’s not like I have anything to say, and it’s not like anyone will ever read this. I mean, I’ll come across this in forty years, read the first two pages, and wonder why the hell I wasted my time, ‘cause I was such a naïve bitch, anyway.
Maybe this can become my own personal rant diary. I quite like that idea. I have much to rant about.

So here’s something, for starters.

It was in third period World History…and Teacher was fussing over her potted plants, boring everybody to tears with some random story about her flower garden. After a while, her story changed to weeds. She started whining incessantly. It was beyond pointless. Weren’t we supposed to be reviewing for that ‘major’ test tomorrow? I still don’t even know what the chapter is supposed to be over (…though that’s mostly my fault, I will admit…).

She said, “Weeds. Gah! I don’t understand why the Lord cursed us with such things. They just suck the life out of anything beautiful. Taking up water, and nutrients, and sunlight. Choking out my lovely petunias!” As her blood pressure rose, her cheeks blossomed these perfectly round rosy circles. Her eyes sparked. “No matter how hard I try, those bloodsucking fiends just keep coming back for more!”

Two rows ahead of me, Amanda turned around and stared at me. Her eyes widened slightly, as though trying to send me a telepathic message. She mouthed one word. “Weed.” He mouth curved up into a sadistic smile and she nudged her little friend with her elbow. The girl looked up, and Amanda tilted her head toward me. This time, I heard her whisper, “Our own personal weed. Useless, bloodsucking fiend!”

The two girls dissolved in silent giggles…which Teacher determinedly ignored.

I tried not to let it get to me. I remember an old English teacher of mine telling me once: “What is a weed but a plant whose use hasn’t been discovered, yet?”

Just because they haven’t figured it out yet, doesn’t mean I’m useless. Just because I don’t fit into their perfectly landscaped and manicured lawn, doesn’t mean I deserve to die.