Status: Christmas Break is coming up. I'll be able to write more, then. ^.^ Finals and presentations and projects....Gah!! I haven't given up on this, though, promise! I have somewhat of an ending written...And I love it!


October 18

October 18

There is probably a scientific explanation for why the best inspiration comes in the shower. Something to do with the psychological effects of warm water against the top of the brain. There’s probably a page-worth of definitions and equations to figure up the exact moment the light bulb ignites. But I think for me, the only explanation is that it’s the only time and place in my day where I am absolutely guaranteed not to have any pen or paper on me.

The point of this rant? I had a brilliant idea only ten minutes ago, and now I can’t remember what it was.

They should invent water-proof paper and ink for people like me. If there are any people like me, I mean.

Anyway, Halloween is in a week or so. Normally, I would be excited.

Last year, I escaped out of the house, leaving my mom to sulk and Jaden to watch horror films on cable, and ran down to the creek that snaked around the edge of town. I hid under the creaky, old bridge that farm kids had to cross in order to Trick-Or-Treat. Whenever I heard the old wood groan under a sudden weight, I shook the poles, grunted, screeched, and howled…whatever it took to freak the the little kids out. It was a blast. I wasn’t discovered until just after ten, when the other kids my age came out to wreak havoc. The first group to figure me out, joined me. Throughout the night, we continued to gather people until the crowd of ‘ghouls’ was too big to hide under the bridge. Then, we escaped on the town. Somebody had raided their parents’ stash of liquor. Obviously, I don’t remember much after that.

This year will be different. I think I’m going to hide out in the house with Jaden. It’s not as though I could get away with much tricking in this pig-ridden hellhole, anyway.