Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 11

Lil’s POV
“What? No, I didn’t do anything, so we don’t need to make up. And if he’s going to be in this conversation, he needs to get his ass up here so he doesn’t wake up the whole freaking neighborhood with his hollerin, it’s fucking 4 in the morning!” I stated, pointing to the window. Jake grinned and walked over, waving Paul up, and not two seconds later and had popped through the window, coming to stand in front of me.

“Why don’t you want me?” He growled, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little bit. I felt tears fill my eyes, why couldn’t he understand?
“It’s not that I don’t WANT you Paul, I can’t HAVE you ok? I want you more than anything in the world, but I am! If my life could be that simple, I would take it in a heartbeat, I would let you make me happy, and I would damn well do my best to make you the happiest person alive, but I can’t! Kait and Sam are the only people who know the real reason why I’m here, so please, don’t make this any harder than it has to be!” I begged, letting the tears fall. By now Jake and Desi had hopped out the window to give us some privacy, and Paul looked like I was tearing his heart out of his chest.

“No, please, please don’t cry. Please, just tell me what’s going on, whatever it is, I can help you.” He pleaded, pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried, I couldn’t tell him. If he didn’t know, he couldn’t get hurt. He pulled away and looked me in the eye, trying to find some answers in them.
“Something is scaring you, and it’s my job to protect you from whatever that is. But I can’t help you if I don’t know what I’m supposed to be protecting you from.” I looked at him, searched his eyes, and knew that he wouldn’t let this go. I knew I could trust him, that wasn’t the problem. I just didn’t want him to do anything stupid and get himself hurt. I sighed and took his hand, leading him over to my bed. I sat up against the headboard and burrowed into his side to begin the story.

“My parents didn’t die in a car accident. They were on their way home from some business conference and they called me to check in. My mom said, “I have to go honey, we’ll see you soon.” That’s the last thing my mom ever said to me. Six hours later, the cops were knocking on the door telling me my parents were dead. I don’t remember much of anything after that, just the officer asking if there was anyone they could call for me, I couldn’t stay at the house by myself. I called my sister, the stupid bitch didn’t even care, she was only concerned about how this was going to affect her partying. I had to go stay with her though; my only other relative was an eighty year old great grandmother in a nursing home. I was kept updated on the progress of the case, the detective even let me see the crime scene photos, he said I had a right to know how my parents died. They had been gutted like fish, but that wasn’t what killed them. Whoever did it wanted it to look like an animal attack; they even popped the car tire." I paused and wiped away the still falling tears, taking a deep breath before continuing,

"The official cause of death was listed as head trauma, but I was looking at the pictures one day and I noticed something. They both had bite marks on their necks, like someone was playing vampire. Turns out someone wasn’t playing vampire, a vamp actually did it. And then it found me. He just watched me for a little while, left me things. He was playing a game, so I left before the game could end. That’s why I’m here, Sam apparently talked to Alice, and he called me and offered me protection. He’s supposed to tell you guys tomorrow at the pack meeting or whatever. I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone before he told you guys, but I can’t seem to keep anything from you. But you see now why I can’t have you? I can’t fall in love; I won’t lose anyone else that I care about.” I finished my story and looked up at him, trying to read the look on his face. He just stared down at me with a hard glint in his eye, tightening his grip on my waist.

“What you don’t seem to understand Lilian, is that it’s my job to protect you from bullshit sparkling rocks like the vamp who killed your parents. I was born to keep you happy and safe, it’s the only reason I exist.” He took my hand and placed it on his chest, letting me feel the steady thud of his heart.
“You are my life. You are my heart, my soul. Please stop denying it and let me help you.” He begged, letting go of my hand and cupping my face in his. I searched his eyes for any sign of a lie, but found only love, protectiveness, and sincerity. I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek before leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips,

Kait’s POV

I pumped my fist in the air and high fived Desi and Jake when we heard Lil finally give in and accept that Paul could protect her. The door flew open and Lil appeared with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot in agitation.
“Were you guys really listening to the WHOLE thing?” She questioned, I looked at her and nodded slowly, smiling angelically the whole time. She rolled her eyes and pointed at me,

“You’re not fooling anyone with the innocent act missy, I still remember what happened freshman year in Bogman’s class.” I gulped and threw my arms around her,
“I loooove you, please don’t tell them.” I pleaded, earning raised eyebrows from the other three room occupants. She grinned and nodded before pushing me away and shutting her door, closing her and Paul off from the rest of the world. I stood and glared at the door for a minute before turning to face Jake and Desi.
“Well that was rude.” They just grinned at me before heading to the hall window,

“I’ll see you in a few hours at school?” Desi questioned, perched on the windowsill,
“Yeah, we’ll pick you up; Lil went and bought a new freaking car yesterday.”
“So that’s who the Escalade belongs too. Where the hell did she get the money?”
“She plays the stock market, she’s a fucking genius.” She laughed and nodded before hopping off the sill and running into the woods with Jake. I shook my head and checked the hall clock; it was 5:30 in the morning. Had they really spent an hour and a half figuring this shit out? I went and opened Lil’s door, throwing a floor cushion at her, smacking her in the head. She whipped around and glared before raising an eyebrow in question,

“Can I help you?”
“Yeah, get dressed; we have to pick everyone up for school by 6:45.”
“What time is it and why do we have to do it?”
“Its 5:30 and cuz you have the biggest car dumbass.” Realization flashed across her face, her mouth forming an ‘o’ shape. I laughed and left the room to go get myself ready, I worry about that girl sometimes.
Thirty minutes later and I was sitting in the kitchen with Lil and Paul eating the mountain of food that Lil had cooked. If Paul wasn’t in love with her before, he definitely was now. He was currently shoveling down eggs and bacon with a look of ecstasy written across his face.

“Oh my god, you made food?! I LOVE YOU!” Embry’s excited voice came from the doorway. Lil turned around and grinned, waving to the stack of plates on the table. We had called everyone and told them to meet us here instead of driving all over La Push. Alyssa, Desi, and the boys piled in after him, grabbing plates and filling them with food.
“Ok, so Jared, Embry, and Paul are on patrol today.” Jake stated, earning nods from everyone. Lil finally came and sat down next to Paul, kissing his cheek and starting to eat. All movement stopped, and everyone stared at Paul in accusation. He grinned and nodded,

“Last night.” Groans were heard from around the table as everyone threw money at Embry, who just grinned and raked it in.
“Alright people, time to go, get your shit.” Lil said and started clearing plates. We all stopped and stared again when Paul actually started to help her. She turned clapped, jerking us out of our shock induced trances,
“Seriously, if ya’ll aren’t waiting by the car in five minutes I’m leaving you here.”

Lil’s POV

I was standing next to my car with Paul, just wrapped up in his arms.
“So, I’ll see you after school I guess?” He sighed and nodded,
“It might be late though, I don’t know how long I’ll be on patrol.” I smiled softly and kissed him, pulling away a few minutes later when Kait honked my horn at me.
“I better go before they destroy my car…”
“Yeah, I’ll see you later; keep your window open if I haven’t shown up before ten.” I nodded and kissed him again, letting him pull away and run into the woods with Jared and Embry. I sighed and got in the car, off to my first day of hell
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright lovers, this one is a little short, but I love it lol. So, I'm going to ask for 6 comments before we post chapter 12. So leave those comments, you know we love them =]