Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 12

Alyssa’s P.O.V.

“Get the fuck off me!!” Destiny yelled, shoving Jared at me.

“I was here first!!” He yelled, childishly.

“Obviously not, since you are sitting on me!!”

“Just let me sit on your lap!” I exclaimed, standing up as much as I could in the Escalade.

How 4 of us had fit into the middle seat is a mystery to me, but we were so cramped that it was insane. Jared scooted over, sitting down on the seat, and pulling me down into his lap. Finally, Desi settled comfortably into her seat and leaned her head on Jake’s shoulder. She yawned at least 4 times before we got to the school parking lot.

As soon as I opened the door, me and Jared went tumbling out and Jared ended up dragging out Desi and Jake by grabbing her arm. Desi landed on top of me and burst out laughing as she rubbed her head. I looked at her oddly before laughing at the look on Lil’s face as she looked down at us.

“Hey, you’re finally taller then me!” Desi yelled, looking up at Lil in awe.

Lil scowled at her and kicked her before walking away. Desi’s mouth shaped in an ‘O’ as she held her boob. She was laughing and gasping in pain at the same time.

”It doesn’t hurt anymore!!” She yelled immaturely as she danced after Lil.

Jake shook his head “Stupid Monster energy shots.” He muttered under his breath as he walked slowly behind them.

I walked to my AP Geometry class, leaving the rest of them. Jared gave me a kiss, before running off into the woods to his wolfy ways.

Seth’s P.O.V.

I sat in AP History, watching Des sleep. She was sitting straight up, besides the fact that her head was hanging down. Her hair was falling in a curtain across her face, hiding her closed eyes. I threw my book at her, just as the teacher asked a question.

“John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin.” She said, flinging head back, making her hair fly.

“That’s correct.” The teacher laughed, looking at her hair, splayed across her head.

The bell rang, and she picked up her books, blinking excessively, as she tried to adjust her eyes sight.

“Yeah, this way.” I said, grabbing her, and pulling her towards me, as she headed straight towards a pillar.

I saw a girl in a circle of other girls, as she tried to make herself smaller. We were walked straight towards them, and I saw Destiny narrow her eyes.

“Back off!” She yelled, pushing through the crowd to the girl.

“What are you gonna do, Quinzy, call up your brother, Lee? Oh wait. . .You can’t talk to the dead. . .can you?” Courtney smirked.

“I’m gonna kick your fucking teeth in!” She screamed, lunging forward.

I surprised myself, by lunging forward, and taking hold of her.

“What’s Janessa gonna think, you hanging out with Destiny instead of her?” Courtney asked.

“Me and Desi have the same schedule! Why would I go out of my way, to walk Janessa to each class, just to have to walk across campus to my own?” I demanded.

“Because she’s your girlfriend. Emmett would be history, if he didn’t walk me to every class.”

“Emmett Cullen?” Des demanded.

“Duh. It shouldn’t matter to you, though. He’s mine, and he would never leave me for you. What, is Jake not enough for you, anymore?” She thought she was so clever.

I heard someone clear their throat, and we both looked over to see Emmett standing there.

“Emmett McCarty Cullen, what are you doing here?” Des demanded, looking him straight in the eye, as she glared.

If he wasn’t a vamp, he would’ve cried. I would’ve cried, that’s before the punch in the face, the kick in the balls, most likely before the purple nurple, and possibly before the eye gouging. It was probably only a reaction to what was to come, though.

“I forgot you went here.” He laughed nervously.

“Damn. . .right, you did.” She said, smiling, and narrowing my eyes slightly.

“You’re Uhh. . .breaking the rules.” I said, crossing my arms.

“I came here for one purpose. To be with my girl.” He said, slinging his arm across Courtney’s shoulder, but he looked at Des, as though it was a silent statement, saying he was here for her, Lyssa, Lil, and Kait.

Destiny’s P.O.V.

“Let’s just go. I’m done.” I said, nodding for Seth to follow me.

We ran into the woods, going in separate directions to change, before we met up, somewhere in the middle of the forest. We didn’t have much to do, just basically ran through the woods, chillin. I don’t know how I lost my footing, but I rolled hit a tree, ran into a rack, and fell off the cliff, into the ocean. I resurfaced, and quickly swam to shore, where Seth was standing, looking at me in concern.

Oh, I see how it is. I remember when you were just a little kid, Seth, and now you’re stealing me girlfriend. Jake’s voice invaded my head.

I barked out a laugh, before plopping down on the beach, staring out at the normally cloudy day. I rolled around in the sand, caking my wet fur in it. I waited until Jake joined us, before I shook out my fur, sending sand, and water sprinkling all over both of them.

We all phased back, and stood in a circle. Just basically, enjoying each other’s company. I laid my head on Jake’s shoulder and he swiftly lifted me into his arms, smiling when I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I hate have long hair.” I sighed.

“How come? I love your long hair.” Jake said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

“Shut up!! It makes my fur all shaggy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, then cut it.”

“But I like my long hair!” I protested.

“But you said, you hated having long hair.” He shook his head, eyeing me in confusion.

I laughed, and looked at him in adoration. “Your so funny.” I sighed, kissing him, soundly.

He fell backwards, and I placed my hand on his chest, and the other on the side of his face, as he tangled his fingers into my hair. He pulled my face away from his, and went to kissing my neck, making me gasp, as I tried to catch my breath.

“Dude, I’m still here!” Seth yelled.

“Oh my god, is that Destiny?” I heard someone else ask.

“Yeah, who are. . .” Seth trailed off.

I sat up, flinging my hair behind me, as I looked up.

“Haylee.” I said, realization crossing my features, as I straddled Jake’s waist.

I was about to get up, but Jake held me down by my hips, smiling when I turned to look at him.

“Soo. . .What’s up, Seth? You. . .uhhh. . .forget how to speak?” I teased, as he stared at Haylee in awe.

He looked at me, then Jacob, then back a Haylee, before he swallowed and started to speak.

“You’re pretty.” He said.

I laughed, and rolled my eyes, as I turned towards Jake. He smirked back at me, trying to suppress his laugh. I buried my face in his chest, and bit down, as a giggle bubbled to my lips.

“Owww.” He groaned.

“You taste delicious.” I smirked, looking up at him, and biting my lip.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Oh, and if you like this story, you'll most likely love this one! It's a Jacob Fan-fic! Check it out, if you'd like!!
Keep the Pain Away. . .