Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 13

Kait’s POV
“Dude, the bastard has it in for me, I swear!” Lil moaned as she rested her head on the table. Lunch was her last period so she was going home right after the bell rang.
“He doesn’t have it in for you; he just doesn’t like being corrected in front of the whole class.”

“Well it’s not my fault the dumbass was going to blow up the entire freaking science department with his ‘experiment’, which was actually a fucking BOMB. So yeah, I corrected him in front of the class, if he doesn’t like it; he needs to learn how to do his freaking job.” She ranted, lifting her head and waving her hands around to further illustrate her frustration. I laughed and nodded, apparently Argosino had made the mistake of experimenting with pure potassium and oxygen. Not his smartest move, especially since Lil was in his class and noticed his faux pas, immediately calling him out for it in front of his entire class and the principal.

“Dude, where’s Desi and Jake? And Seth, where the hell did he go?” Alyssa asked, I blinked and looked around, finally noticing the absence of our friends.
“Oh, Des got in a fight with some chick so they left like two periods ago.” Lil stated, looking at the food on her tray in disgust.
“Dude, if they left I’m not staying.” I stated and got up to dump the tray. The girls followed and we all grabbed our shit and walked out to Lil’s car, climbing and discovering we had a lot more room this time around. I sat in the front seat and dug Lil’s iPod out of her purse, quickly connecting it to the dock. I scrolled through her artist and saw a band I had never heard of,

“Hey Lil, who’s Avenged Sevenfold?” She looked at me like I had lost my marbles, blinking and shaking her head.
“Only the best band in the history of amazing bands. Play Second Heartbeat, you’ll see why I’m obsessed.” I shrugged and clicked on the aforementioned song, sitting back in my seat to listen. Six minutes later and I was pulling out my phone to call Desi,

“Hey sorry we just left you at school. What’s up?”
“New band obsession, Avenged Sevenfold. Meet me at my house.”
“Will do, see ya soon.” I snapped my phone closed and turned the music up, leaning back and smiling as an almost inhuman scream came through the speakers. I looked at the song and saw it was called ‘Bat Country’. Ten minutes later and we were piling out of the car and running up to Lil’s room where her extensive iTunes library was located. Lil pulled it up and put on a song called ‘Scream’, which is totally seductive and erotic and danceable, so when Jake, Seth, Desi and Desi’s cousin Haylee walked in the door we were dancing around the room and grinding on each other. We didn’t notice them walk in until the music was shut off, and we whirled around and turned bright red at the sight of the boys standing there with their arms crossed, smirks gracing their faces.

“Don’t you judge us, you heard the song!” I stated, putting my hands on my hips and staring at them, daring them to say something. Jake and Seth grinned, holding their hands up in surrender,
“We weren’t judging, simply admiring the view.” Jake stated, earning a smack to the back of his head from Desi AND Haylee.

“Now, what’s this about a new band obsession you were talking about?” Desi asked, wanting to know what the hell I was so excited about. I clicked play on the computer and ‘Scream’ blared through the speakers again. Desi and Haylee listened to the song for a few seconds before Desi started it over and grabbed Jake, making him dance with her. We all looked at each other and grinned, starting dance again. This was true friendship, being able to dance around like retards to an awesome song and not get judged for it. Twenty minutes and four songs later and we collapsed on Lil’s bed, completely out of breath.

“Dude, I’m starving.” Lil stated, getting up and going to the kitchen where she proceeded to rummage through the cabinets. I grinned as she pulled out three boxes of mac in cheese, then went to the fridge and got the hot dogs. I know, sounds gross, but we’ve been eating Mac n Cheese with hot dogs since we were four and we were addicted to it.
“Dude, what the hell are you making?” Jake asked, looking a little disgusted. She turned and looked at him in complete shock, before turning to me and pointing her finger in accusation.
“You’ve been here for over a year and you haven’t made them Mac and Dogs yet??”
“Dude, I can never get it right, ever. I swear you put something weird in it.” She grinned and nodded, reaching into the fridge and pulling out the half n half.
“Are you freaking kidding me? That’s it!?” She laughed and nodded, bustling around the kitchen to make the food. We all sat down at the table and watched her, laughing when she dropped something and cursed. Seth tried to help her once, but she yelled and threw a spatula at him,

“Don’t you dare touch anything in my kitchen!” Jake just HAD to be a smart ass,
“Technically, this is Mr. Anderson’s kitchen, considering that he’s the one who paid for it.” Lil just sent him a glare that would make the devil cower in fear. Ten more minutes and a few curses later, and she was setting steaming bowls of cheesy goodness in front of us. I grinned and kissed her cheek before picking up my fork and digging in. I watched the other’s faces as they cautiously took bites of their own food and laughed the expressions of pure bliss.

“I think they like it…” Lil remarked casually after Jake and Seth had both gone back for more for the third time in fifteen minutes.
“I think you may be right. You do realize that when you go to Sam and Emily’s you’re going to be cooking for what amounts to twenty people?” She grinned and nodded, a calculating look in her eye,
“I think I can handle it.”

Lil’s POV

It was now after ten and everyone had gone home or to patrol, and I was sitting in my room waiting for Paul to show up. I was watching re runs of Gangland on the History channel when the tree outside my window shook and my errant boyfriend appeared inside my room. I grinned as he kicked his shoes off and slid into the bed next to me, pulling me against his warm body and kissing me softly. I pulled away from the kiss and grinned pecking his lips once more before cuddling into his side and turning my attention back to my show.
“What the hell is this anyway?” Paul asked after twenty minutes of watching ‘gangsters’ talk about everything the gang was involved in.

“It’s called Gangland; this TV crew from the history channel goes around the U.S and interviews these guys who are supposed to be gangsters or whatever, but seriously, what gangster worth his gun would go on national TV and show their faces while spilling supposedly top secret gang shit?” I ranted, glaring up at Paul when he laughed at me,
“Babe, if you don’t like the show then why do you watch it?”
“Because it’s amazing!” I stated, earning another round of laughing from my deeply amused boyfriend. I smacked his chest in agitation, deciding to ignore him and watch my show.

The whole ignore-my-boyfriend thing only lasted for about ten minutes because he started pressing soft kisses to the really sensitive spot behind my ear. I decided to just give up and turned around; straddling his lap and pressing my lips to his, feeling his tongue run along the seam of my lips, asking for entrance. I grinned and let him in, battling his tongue for dominance. He ran his hands up my thighs and rested them on my hips, drawing me closer to his body. I pulled away, pecking his lips once more before climbing off and snuggling next to him. I smirked as I felt him try to regulate his breathing, and squealed when he dug his fingers into my side, tickling me without mercy. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, the brute just wrapped an arm around me to pin me to his side while he continued his torture. I giggled and squealed, he just pinned my arms over my head and grinned down at me while I tried to catch my breath,

“Are you gonna stop teasing me?” I grinned and shook my head, he attacked my sides again. I laughed and nodded,
“Ok ok, I won’t tease you again!” I managed to gasp out. He smirked in satisfaction before rolling off me and tucking me into his side again. I laid my head on his chest as I tried to breathe normally, returning my attention to the show. I didn’t notice that Paul had grabbed the remote until he changed the channel to Comedy Central. I glared up at him before grabbing the remote,

“Normally I would remove your balls for that, but since I’m feeling nice and Carlos Mencia is funnier than hell, I’ll let it slide.” He grinned and nodded, giving me a quick kiss and turning back to the TV. I smiled as I rested my head back on his chest, I could totally get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo sorry for the wait guys, it would have been up sooner, but I had writers block. So here's chapter 13, sorry if it sucks =[ Now, I'm going to be nice today and ask for 5 comments to post the next chapter =]

GO CHECK OUT THIS STORY! It's amazing =]

I love you ALL

-Becka Vengeance