Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 15

Kait’s POV

I grabbed my vibrating phone off my desk and slid it open,
“Kait’s Chop Shop, how can I hurt you?” I heard Alyssa laugh on the other end,
“Weeell, Desi wants a girl’s night, so get your shit together and tell Lil, I’ll be at your house in twenty.” I grinned and slid my phone shut without saying goodbye, running to Lil’s room and jumping on her bed, making her homework fly everywhere. She glared playfully and I just smiled, helping her pick all her books and papers up.
“So what the hell is going on?”
“Oh, Desi wants a girl’s night, so grab your shit and your I.D, we might go clubbing in Port Angeles.”
“Dude, do they even have clubs in Port Angeles?” I thought about it for a minute before shaking my head,
“Now that I think about it, no.” She grinned and pulled her cell out, dialing a number and putting the small device to her ear.
“Yeah, can I speak with David please? Tell him it’s Spyder.” I looked at her curiously; I had no clue what this girl was up too.

“David Andrew Jenson, I know my sister called and told you I was in Forks, why the HELL haven’t you call me? Mhm, sure thing dude. Anyway, my friends and I are going to need somewhere to go tomorrow night, can you put us on the list for Trinity? No we’re not all 21, you know that. Ok, put us under Spyder for 10. Trust me, no one is gonna fuck with us, extra security isn’t needed. Alright, thanks love, see you tomorrow.” She ended the call and looked at me, grinning evilly. I looked at her warily, shes dangerous when she gets that look.
“What did you just do?”
“You remember David Jensen from Atlanta?”

“DJ? Yeah, he was always hanging out with your sister, why?”
“Because he moved over here a few years ago and took over this nightclub called Trinity over in Seattle. So we’ll go to Desi’s house and leave tomorrow morning, Kira is going to be at her parent’s house so we’ll just get ready at hers. Sound good?” I grinned and nodded,
“Can I bring Haylee along?”
“Of course, now hurry up, I hear Lyssa.” Sure enough, about two minutes later, Alyssa came barging into Lil’s room, we explained the change of plans to her and let her dig through Lil’s extensive club outfit collection for something to wear. Ten minutes later and we were screeching up Desi’s driveway in Lil’s Escalade. After we had settled in her basement, Lil raised a rather important question.

“Do any of you guys have fake IDs? Cuz you’re going to need them.” Desi and Alyssa looked at each other and grinned,
“I freaking told you it was a good idea to get them!” Desi exclaimed, punching Lys in the shoulder. Lys grinned and raised her hands in surrender,
“I know I know. So who all is going to this club?”
“Well who’s patrolling tomorrow?”
“Um, Seth, Sam, and Quil. So the guys will be able to come with us, but they don’t have IDs.” I looked at Desi like she was nuts,
“Um, hello? Have you seen our guys? There’s no WAY they’re getting carded.”
“Oh right…” We all busted in laughter at Desi’s light bulb moment, which resulted in a massive pillow fight.

Lil’s POV

“Dude we have to call Haylee and Kira and see if they can even come with us.” Kait said, poking my cheek to get my attention. The guys had come off patrol and we had explained what the plan for tomorrow was, I was now sitting in Paul’s lap debating Hockey vs. Football with Embry.
“Yeah yeah, I’ll call them Kira in a minute, you call Haylee. Embry, you can’t honestly believe that football is better than hockey. I mean; all these guys do is run around after a little ball and pat each other on the ass!”
“All they do? What the hell are you talking about? At least football is more than a bunch of fags beating the shit out of each other.”

“Oh whatever, at least hockey players don’t run around running dog fighting rings and getting arrested. And hockey players don’t puss out of playing because their arms hurts from the practice the day before.” Everyone laughed as Embry tried to think of a response and failed epically. I grinned and patted his arm,
“It’s ok Em, not everyone can live up to my level of epicness.” All the guys looked at each other before they shouted one thing,

Time Elapse: the next day, 7 am.

I was walking around waking the guys up, we had to get all our shit packed in the car and get on the road by 8, it took forever to get to Seattle. Ten minutes later and the guys were up and walking all the shit out to the car. The girls we all but sleep walking, climbing in op top of the guys and going back to sleep. My sat in the front seat and held my hand as I drove,

“So where exactly are we going?” He asked about an hour later. I had almost gotten pulled over twice for speeding, but Paul had seen the cops before I had and told me to slow down. However, we were on a deserted freeway and I was holding steady at 90mph.
“We are going to my friend Kira’s house in Seattle so we can go clubbing.”
“Did you tell us that last night? Cuz I honestly can’t remember.” I laughed and nodded,
“Yeah I told you last night. We’ll be there in a few more hours.”
“Why are we going so far away? There has to be a night club in Port Angeles.”

“There is, but my friend David owns one in Seattle so we can get in without getting carded or paying the cover.” He nodded and brought my hand to his lips, giving it a soft kiss before turning his attention to the trees, scanning for anything he thought would even remotely hurt me. I grinned and turned my focus back to the road, this should be fun.
6 hours, four stops for food, and two bathroom breaks later and we were pulling into Kira’s driveway, piling out of the car. My blonde friend ran out of the house and enveloped me in a hug; apparently trying to suffocate me. I grinned and hug her back,

“Kira, I love you, but I need air.” I gasped out, running to Paul for protection when she released me.
“Haha, very funny. Now c’mon, I have so much shit to show you! Wait, who the hell are these people?”
“Wellll, this is my boyfriend Paul, Kait and her boyfriend Embry, Desi and her man Jake, and Alyssa and her boy Jared. Haylee was going to come but she couldn’t make it. Guys, this is my friend Kira, she’s being nice enough to let us use her house to get ready in.” I explained, allowing Kira to hook her arm through mine and walking into the house with the rest of the girls, leaving the guys to grab our stuff.

“So when’s your next race?”
“Two weeks from now in Toronto. I don’t understand why all my meets have to be in freaking Canada, its so unfair!” We laughed and nodded,
“Yeah, nothing exciting happens in Washington, ever.” Desi stated, earning nods from the rest of us. By now we had migrated to the family room to watch TV, laughing at the guys when they came in and collapsed on the floor in front of us.
“So how old are you guys any? You look about 27” I shook my head,
“Naw, Jake, Embry and Jared are 18, and Paul is 20.” She grinned and nodded in approval,
“Older men, I like it. So when do we need to start getting ready?”
“What time is it now?”
“Just after 2.”
“Well, doors open at 11, so we don’t need to start getting ready till about 7 or 8. What do we want to do until then?” I thought about it for a minute and grinned, an idea forming in my head.
“Let’s go to the spot.” She smirked and nodded, grabbing her keys from the table and standing up.
“Let’s see if you still got it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
YAAAYYYY! I finally updated haha. Thank you to everyone who commented, sorry about the wait, I had a huge writers block. So tell me what you think of this chapter, was it worth the wait?

-Becka Vengeance