Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 5

Lil's POV

Paul had dropped me and Kait off at the house and helped us carry all my shit into the house, which turned out to be a lot more than I thought it was. Kait and I were currently in her guest room turning it into my room. She had been painting for a week before I came so the room looked exactly like how mine had been in Atlanta.
“So, what did you think of the pack?” Kait asked as we took clothes out of the boxes that had been shipped here, putting them in my dresser.
“I like them, everyone is really nice. I don’t know though dude, Paul is like, super touchy feely. And he was constantly watching me, I don’t get it. I just met the guy, but I feel really, connected to him I guess?” I shook my head, trying to make sense of myself. I looked at Kait, who had this dopey looking grin on her face. I quirked an eyebrow in question, but she just shook her head and kept folding clothes for me to put away. We had almost finished when the pack and the girls came crashing through the door, falling in a heap on the floor.

“Guys, seriously, what the hell?” Kait exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. Embry disentangled himself from the pile and got up, walking over to her to plant a small kiss on her lips. I don’t know where they got the idea that making out in my room is ok, but they were quickly separated when I picked up a shoe and tossed it at them, hitting Embry in the arm.
“Ow, what the fuck Lil? I’ve only known you for a day and you’re already abusing me!” I shrugged and smiled sweetly,
“Stop dry humping in my presence and I’ll stop throwing shit at you. So where did you guys go anyway, and why does Jake have a giant bandage on his side?” I asked, and everything went quiet.

“Rogue vamp tried to hurt Desi, so we killed him, but Jake got tossed into a tree during the fight and tore his side to hell and back. Should be healed by tomorrow.” I looked at Destiny in concern, but she just waved it away.
“It was scary when it happened, but everything is cool now, Carlisle patched him up.”
“Who’s Carlisle?” I was so confused…

“He’s the vampire doctor, his whole family lives about three miles from here. Don’t worry though, they won’t hurt you, we have a treaty with them.” Paul explained, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I nodded, not knowing why I trusted them so implicitly, just knowing that I did. By now everyone had climbed out of the pile by my door and had situated themselves in the various bean bags and floor cushions I had around my room. I had a Moroccan vibe going, lots of scarves and cushions, and the huge bed that took up the west wall, leaving plenty of room. I move around a lot in my sleep, so in order to keep me from falling off the bed, my sister had bought the biggest one she could find. I was really lucky that Kait had such a huge house with bedrooms the size of my old apartment in Georgia, otherwise the bed wouldn’t have fit. I went over and collapsed face down on said bed, looking up when someone jumped on it with me, grinning at Paul’s expression,

“Dude, this is the best bed in the entire world.” He sighed, burying his face in the pillows. I laughed nodded before sitting up against the headboard. He moved so his head was in my lap, and I started running my fingers through his hair. I don’t know why, it just felt natural. I was getting really weird looks from everyone in the room, but I just shrugged them off and grabbed my remote, turning on the TV that had been mounted to the wall.

“I have Xbox, PS3, and a Wii. I also have about 400 movies to choose from, so what do ya’ll wanna do?” Kait clapped and squealed, making everyone look at her.
“Let’s have a horror movie marathon, I just remembered Lil, we don’t actually have school tomorrow.”
“What? Why not?”
“I’m not sure actually. Something about a teacher work day?” I grinned and nodded,
“Well then, you unpacked the DVD’s, so you get too pick the first one.” She grinned back and jumped off of Embry’s lap, pulling open a drawer in the entertainment center.
“How did you organize them?” I asked, they had come in yesterday and I guess all the guys had helped her put everything together.
“The way you like them, alphabetically by genre.” She explained and I nodded, pleased that she had done that for me. She stuck the movie into the player and tossed me the other remote, knowing how possessive I got over my electronics. I had worked hard for them, and bought them all myself. I grinned when the title page for Saw came up, and moved Paul’s head out of my lap. He groaned in annoyance, looking up at me pleadingly.

“Alright, you can stay on the bed with me, but shoes off. Is everyone staying here tonight?” They all nodded, the guys walking out the door. I looked at Kait, extremely confused.
“They all have pajamas in my room. I’m telling you now though, they sleep without shirts on so if that or cuddling makes you uncomfortable, you need to kick Paul off the bed.” She explained, and I laughed and nodded.
“Well, they do everything else without shirts, so whatever. Girls, PJ’s are in the bottom drawer if you want to borrow some.” They nodded and everyone changed, finishing right before the guys came in.

“Aw man, we missed the naked girl show!” Jared whined sarcastically, taking Alyssa into his arms, getting comfy like the rest of the guys. I grinned as I jumped under my covers with Paul, snuggling into his warmth. I pressed play on the remote then clapped to shut off the lights. Kait and I had always been fascinated with clap lights so her dad had rewired the entire house when they moved here. I grinned sadistically when the opening credits started, burrowing more into Paul’s side to enjoy the gore. We only made it through 3 of the Saw movies before we all passed out. One thing kept running through my head as I fell asleep,

Why was I so comfortable with a guy I had just met?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, chapter 5! Haha so Kit Kat can be as giving as she wants with comments, I'm not nearly as nice lol. So, here's what I want from our dear readers.

Tell us what you like, and what wasn't so good about the chapter. Where do you think the story is going, and when do you think Paul is going to figure out that he imprinted? The person with the best comment will get a character in the story. Remember, 3 comments to start writing and 6 to post.

Oh, and here's how Lilian's room is decorated, it's just a lot bigger =]