Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 6

Destiny’s P.O.V

“Who do you thinks winning the bet?” I whispered to Jake, as everyone else slept.

“You. Paul still has no idea what’s going on.” He said, brushing my hair out of my face.

“Go to sleep.” I whispered, drawing hearts on Jake’s chest with my finger.

“How long will you stay awake?” He asked, running his finger up and down my spine.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged, closing my eyes.

Jake tilted my chin up, and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled me so I was laying on top of him, careful not to disturb the bandage on his side.

“Dude, there’s other people sleeping in here.” Quil groaned, sitting up from his spot on the floor.

“Go back to sleep.” I ordered throwing a pillow at him.

“Thanks, I needed another one of these.” He laughed, laying back down.

I rolled off Jake, and snuggled close to him, kicking one of my legs out from under the blanket. I laid my head on his chest, and stared at the wall beside me. I drew circles on Jake’s chest waiting for him to fall asleep, before I went outside. I walked down the stairs, and slipped on my shoes walking away from the house into the woods. Don’t get me wrong, after what happened today I was on the lookout for vampires, but I would scream before they got to me this time.

“You shouldn’t be out by yourself.” Someone said from behind me.

“You shouldn’t be on Quilete land.” I smirked, turning to Emmet.

“I knew all the pups were out for the night, so I’m just making sure there’s nothing else that might hurt pretty little girls.” He smirked back.

“This isn’t the time Emmet. We’re all on our toes, if there’s any scent of vampire on the land, they’re gonna go after it. They’ll trace it back to your house, and they’ll realize that you broke the treaty.”

“You’ll protect me, won’t you?”

“I can’t anymore Em. I’m not a vampire girl anymore. I’m the wolf girl, now.”

“You’re mom would be disappointed.”

“Just because my mom wanted to be what you are, doesn’t mean I do. My mom is a traitor.” I hissed.

“Are you saying, that you don’t trust us?”

“I trust you, Em, but that doesn’t mean I’d want to be one of you.”

“Who are you talking to?” Alyssa asked from the doorway.

“Nobody.” I said, staring Emmet down, begging him to understand.

He slowly backed away and disappeared into the night. I walked past Alyssa into the house where I grabbed an apple to toss up into the air. She watched me for a little bit, looking concerned then she walked away back up the stairs to Lil’s room. I stared out the window, and I swear about 5 times I saw a face appear, only to disappear again, seconds later.

“What’s going on? I heard Alyssa come into the room, but you weren’t there.” Jake said, coming into the kitchen.

“Just thinking.” I sighed.

“Don’t you think enough in school?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest.

“No, I don’t think in school. School’s boring.” I stated, staring up at him.

He laughed, shaking his head as he leaned down to kiss me. My lips moved against his slowly. Jake lifted me up, and set me on the counter, leaning towards me as I gripped his shoulders tightly.

“Dude, no fucking on my counter.” Kait ordered, dragging her feet into the kitchen.

“Dude, no problem. We’re just gonna head to bed.” I said jumping down, freezing when pain shot through my back.

I let out the breath I’d been holding and we walked towards the stairs.

“There’s something here, I can smell it.” Jake said, stopping at the bottom of the staircase.

“If it’s a fucking vampire, you’re bringing me with you.” I ordered, turning to face him.

“You can’t come with! It’s to dangerous.” He growled.

“You’re not gonna stop me, Jacob.” I glared, walking away, out the front door.

“Get back in that fucking house, Destiny.” He said, grabbing my shoulder, and spinning me around.

“Did you just. . .tell me what to do?” I demanded, my eyes darkening, eyes setting in a glare, as I started quivering, like mad.

“Destiny, calm down.”

I growl started working it’s way up my throat, and it ripped out like a chainsaw, as I jumped back. Jake looked so shocked. Everything was so much more clearer this way. When I tried to speak, all that I heard was a growl, and somehow, I immediately knew what happened. I let out a loud howl, before turning around, and running away into the woods.
I weaved through the trees effortlessly. I looked to my right and Emmet was running along side me. Somehow he read my questioning look, because he smirked at me.

“I figured, you’d need some company for a little while. Alice saw what was coming. How? We don’t know.” Emmet shrugged, keeping step with me easily.

‘Desi, we’re gonna need you to stop, so that we can explain.’

No, I’m not turning back. I need to get away from here.

Are you with a leech?

Don’t test me, Jake. You saw what happened.

And we can help you, if you turn back.

“I can explain it to you, just as good as they can, if you would like to come with me.” A voice sounded from beside me.

I stared into Edward Cullen’s topaz eyes and nodded my head, in confirmation. He pushed himself, so he was slightly ahead of me leading me to wherever.

“Do you know how to phase back?” Emmet asked.

I turned, and shook my head at him. He sighed, but kept running.

Don’t go with them, Destiny. Stay with us. Jake pleaded.

I turned my head, and watched Jake disappear as we crossed the treaty line.

I’m sorry. I thought, pushing myself to run faster, as we neared an opening in the woods.

“Alright, you’re gonna need to know, that strong emotions like Anger, pain, sadness, all of them cause you to phase. If you learn to control your emotions, you’ll learn to control your phasing. Does that make any sense?” He asked.

I sat down in front of him, and nodded my head.

“Can you try it?” He asked.

She just turned, she’s not gonna be able to phase back, yet. A voice scoffed in the back of my head.

Wow, shows how much confidence you have in me. I’ll show you. I shot back at him.

My tongue lolled out the side of my mouth, and I took deep breaths, slowly feeling the anger ebb away, and myself gradually shrink. When I opened my eyes, everything was back to normal, and I held my hand in front of my face, seeing that my opposable thumbs were back, and they weren’t furry.

Emmet stripped off his shirt, and tossed it to me. I was completely confused, until I looked down, and saw I had no clothes on.

“Thanks.” I smiled, pulling it on over my head.

“No problem.” He shrugged, helping me to my feet.

“Holy shit, you’re cold!” I screamed, letting go of his hand, quickly.

“You have no idea how hot you are, do you?” He asked.

“No. I don’t, thank you very much.”

“You’re running a temperature of about 108 degrees, right about now.” Edward informed me.

“Come on. You must be hungry.” Emmet guessed.

“Bitch, I’m starving.” I yelled.

“Hop on.” He said, turning his back to me.

I shrugged, and jumped on, flinching as his cold skin came in contact with my warm legs. They ran fast. I didn’t realize how fast we had been running, until I wasn’t the one running. They slowed down, when we were in front of the Cullen house.

“Do you really need such a big house?” I whispered in Emmet’s ear.

“Yeah. We do.” He whispered back.


“I don’t know. . .cause we just have that much stuff?” He shrugged.

“You.” Rosalie said, staring me down.

“You.” I growled back.

Jacob’s P.O.V.

She’s gone. I turned towards Sam.

She can’t be gone. He growled.

She is. Either they got Bella to protect her, or she phased back.

Well, we’ll just have to go find out. Quil said, taking off past the treaty line.

Just cause she’s your sister, doesn’t mean that you can just automatically break the treaty! I called, taking off after him.

Screw you, Black. This is my little sister!

And that’s my girlfriend

And she’s pissed at you!

Fuck you, Atrerra! I ran past him, coming up to Cullen house, phasing to human, slipping my shorts on.

“Dude, she’s back.” Quil said, before turning back to a wolf.

I watched from my place on the driveway, as a bundle of black fur flew through the wall, and climbed back to it’s feet, and ran at the blonde vampire standing at the hole in the wall.

“Rosalie, leave her!” Carlisle screamed, taking hold of the blonde, as Emmet plowed through and wrapped his arms around Destiny’s neck, as she snapped her teeth at the vampire.

“Leave, you need to cool off.” Emmet ordered, Rosalie.


“Go.” He glared, making her narrow her eyes, and take off towards the mountain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Destiny *Wolf*

Alright, I just had to put that in. Lol. So tell me what you think!! Alright, and me and Bex are doing this thing where the best commenter (for chapters 5 & 6) gets permanent part in the story, so do your best in the comments. We may do it every 10 chapters.


Kit Kat