Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 7

Kaitlyn’s POV

I woke up the next morning in Lil’s room and noticed the pack and Desi were gone. I looked over at Lil, she normally woke up if she didn’t have something to cuddle with, and saw that Paul had wedged a pillow into her grip. I grinned and got up, launching myself onto the bed, making her groan and roll over,
“I swear to god Kait, if it’s before noon I’m going to kill you in the slowest, most masochistic way possible.” She growled, removing the pillow from her face. I grinned angelically, she just rolled her eyes and got out of bed.
“Where did the guys go?” she asked, stretching her arms over her head to crack her back. I winced at the popping noises, I had never understood how she was able to do that.
“I honestly have no idea. Sam was the only one patrolling last night, and Embry would have woken me up if they had to patrol.” I finished my sentence right as the phone rang, Embry’s name flashing across the screen, I quickly flipped it open and put it to my ear,

“You better have a damn good reason for leaving and not telling me.” I growled into the speaker.
“Desi phased, grab the girls and meet us at the Cullen’s house. Oh, and bring her some clothes.”

Lil’s POV

With my psycho driving we made it to the gorgeous house that belonged to the Cullen’s in less than ten minutes. It was normally a half an hour drive. So I like speed, sue me. We pulled into the driveway and saw Sam in his wolf form looking intensely at a wolf we presumed to be the newly phased Desi. I climbed out of the car and followed Kait and Alyssa over to a group of inhumanly beautiful people.

“Emmet McCarty Cullen, what the hell happened!?” Kait screamed at a very large man, who kinda looked like he could kill her with his pinky. He shrugged his massive shoulders nonchalantly, he obviously didn’t know anymore than we did.
“All I know is that she got pissed at Jake, growled, and decided that wolfyness was a good thing.” He said, sticking his hands in his pockets and walking away. I just rolled my eyes and walked over to Desi, sitting down beside her. Everyone was looking at me like I was nuts and I was getting really sick of it.

“What the fuck are ya’ll staring at? She isn’t gonna hurt me and we all know it. Now, what the hell happened?” I directed the last part at Jake, I knew that he knew exactly what happened.
“She wanted to come on a vampire hunt but I said no, so she said she was coming so I grabbed her shoulders and told her to go back in the house.” He finished with a shrug, obviously not seeing the problem. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Desi, handing her the clothes I had in my hands.

“Change back sweetie. He’s just a guy, guys say stupid shit. Just withhold sex for a few days, he’ll use his other brain to think, and he’ll figure it out and apologize. And hey, look on the bright side, we have now figured out that you’re a werewolf, how fuckin cool is that?” I ranted, waving my hands around. Desi looked at me like I was nuts before trotting off into the woods, coming back a few minutes later in a pair of sweats and a t shirt.

“Alright, now go give Jake a hug and a kiss, he really has no idea what he did, so you either need to explain it to him or just forgive him and get over it.” I stated, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest. Jake looked at Desi, clearly hoping she would just forgive him. You could almost see the wheels turning in Desi’s head as she thought about what she was going to do. She surprised us all when she grinned and jumped onto Jake, knocking him flat on his back and throwing her arms around his neck, planting kisses all over his face. I turned to Paul and smiled triumphantly,
“I am so awesome.”

Kait’s POV

I sat wrapped in Embry’s arms as we watched Desi jump on Jake. I grinned up at Embry, holding out my hand. He groaned and dug a crumpled 20 dollar bill, slapping it into my hand. I giggled and kissed his cheek,
“Next time don’t bet against me with my best friend. I knew she would forgive him, I don’t know why ya’ll flipped a shit.” I stated, he just looked at me like I was nuts.
“She turned into a fucking wolf, which we didn’t know would happen, and you don’t know why we freaked out?” He exclaimed, completely incredulous.

“No, I understand freaking out about that, but you were freaking out because she wouldn’t talk to Jake and she was with a bunch of vampires that we know for a fact won’t hurt her. It had nothing to do with the fact that she phased, we knew it could happen, so just chill out. Everything is cool now.” He nodded and kissed me softly before lifting his head and sniffing the air.

“Guys, I smell a vamp here that isn’t familiar, we need to go. Emmett, can the girls stay here with you? Desi has already gotten attacked by one vamp; we don’t need another attack on our hands.” Emmett nodded and Desi stepped back from Jake, planting her hands on her hips,
“I’m going with you.” Jake opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by Sam,

“She’s part of the pack now Jake, she goes.” Jake glared darkly, but he couldn’t ignore the Alpha’s command. Desi smirked as she walked back into the woods, coming back out in wolf form, her clothes dangling from her mouth. She dropped them in front of me and walked back to the rest of the pack. We watched with worry as they disappeared into the trees, off to find the trespassing vampire.

“Come on girls, Rosalie isn’t here right now, but Alice is and she’s very curious about the new girl.”
“Ya know, the new girl has a name.” Lil huffed and stomped her foot. Seriously? I thought girls only did that in movies…
“I know the new girl has a name, but I’m not gonna use it. I think I’ll call you munchkin.” Emmett snapped back. I got scared for him when Lil sent him a glare that has made grown men cry. No, seriously, it made some dude cry once. Or maybe it was the kick to the nuts that made him cry…

“I’m not short ok? I just simply refuse to be taller than anyone less awesome than me.” We all laughed when Emmett opened his mouth to reply, but failed to come up with anything. Did I forget to mention that Lil is the master of bitchy comments? We were still laughed when he turned on his heel, storming past Alice, who had come out to investigate what the hell was so damn funny. She quirked an eyebrow at her brother’s retreating figure and turned to Lil, putting out her hand, which Lil cautiously shook,

“Hi, my name is Alice, oh don’t worry; I already know your name. So how was the flight from Atlanta? I hope the turbulence wasn’t too bad, I’m sorry you had to sit next to that fat guy though, that couldn’t have been fun.” Lyss and I watched in amusement as Alice babbled on, throwing an arm around Lil’s shoulder and leading her inside. Oh, the poor girl had no idea what she was getting into. Ever since Bella had become a sparkly undead rock and grown a backbone, she had refused to let Alice make her a life size Barbie. As a result, whenever one of us came over, she took the opportunity to play dress up the wolf chicks. Oh, this is gonna be good.
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Ok, here's chapter 7.
Me and Kat have been talking, and we are really dissapointed with the amount of comments that we're getting. We have 53 readers, 11 subscribers, and 17 comments. We work really hard on this story, so until we get to 25 comments, we aren't going to post chapter 8. We aren't trying to be bitchy, but we would like some feedback. With that said, the winners for the new characters are
miss.lancexsweets, you can pm me when you see this sweetie., you can PM Kat when you see this.

Remember, 25 comments before we post chapter 8