Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 9

Lil’s POV

I was looking at Desi carefully as she leaned against Jake, trying to figure out what still hurt. We had all gone back to our house and settled in my room because, well, my room is awesome. Plus it had more places to sit but whatever. I was currently tucked against Paul, who hadn’t really let me go since we had that little run in with the stupid sparkly people. What was his deal? He was always looking at me; he was never more than three feet away, and about ten minutes ago I caught him staring at me with this…look, like I was the only person in the room. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but if it didn’t stop in a few days then I was going to have to talk to him about it.

“Hey Kait, what’s my class schedule like?”
“Um, since you’re a senior and you’re a flipping genius, you only have four classes. AP World History with Marx, AP Pre Calc with Bromstein, AP Chem with Argosino, and Psychology with Amara. Marx is fucking badass, he used to be a Marine and he’s seen some nasty shit, so he doesn’t take life too seriously, but he always has control of the class. Um, Bromstein hates her life, so just sit in class and do the work, but speak up if you have questions; she likes kids who have brains. Argosino is just an asshole, he thinks he’s some brilliant chemist, but he’s barely making the cut as AP Chem, they might demote him. And I don’t know what Mr. Amara is like; he’s new this year and only like fifteen kids are taking his class.”

“Dude, I didn’t even know we HAD AP classes!” Jake exclaimed, making everyone laugh.
“Jake, do you even know what AP stands for?” Desi questioned, looking up at Jake adoringly. He looked confused for a second before shaking his head,
“Uhh, no? I know it’s for super smart kids though!” He stated, extremely proud of himself. We all looked at him and shook our heads; there was something wrong with that kid. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my pocket, looking at the small screen. I grinned when Kira’s name flashed across the screen; I flipped the small black device open and held it to my ear.

“YOU BITCH! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING TO THIS LITTLE HELLHOLE OF WATERY DEATH!?” She screeched, I winced and held the phone a good foot away,
“Ki, calm down. And I did tell you, we talked about this a week ago remember?”
“No I don’t remember, if I remembered would I be freaking out right now?! Do NOT answer that question!”
“Kira darling, check your inbox.”
“Email or text?”
“Email dumbass.”
“Don’t call me a dumbass you ho.”
“Well stop being a dumbass and I’ll stop calling you one. And don’t call me a ho you ho.” I heard her laugh as she clicked some keys on her computer. I had met Kira when she competed in a Motocross thing in Atlanta and we had kept in touch. The poor girl absolutely hated large bodies of water and her parents refused to move from the little coastal town where they had grown up, so Kira was stick here until she turned 18.

“I can’t believe we talked about this and I didn’t freaking remember! So you’re staying with one of your friends on the rez?” I started to nod before I remembered that she couldn’t see me,
“Yeah, I’m staying with Kait.”
“So I guess that means you aren’t going to Fork’s High?”
“Yeah, sorry. We can still each other on weekends and shit though if I’m not buried in homework. I’m such a genius; I decided to take FOUR AP classes this semester, so my workload is going to be insane.”
“Damn girl, I almost died with two AP and three Honor’s classes. Are you sure you’re gonna be able to handle that?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I gotta go dude, I’m with some people.”
“Alright, have fun. Love ya bitch!”
“Love you too ho!” I laughed as I closed my phone, and grinned at everyone’s extremely confused expressions.

“Kira Winters. One of my best friends, she came to Atlanta last year for a Motocross thing. She lives here.” Realization passed over their faces, replacing the confusion. I snuggled back into Paul, if he didn’t have a problem with me latching onto him, then I was going to take advantage of the situation. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his scorching body. I was still getting really weird, almost amused glances from everyone as they watched us. What the hell was so funny? We watched movies until Kait’s dad came in and told us that it was a school night so everyone needed to go home, and no, Embry could not sleep on Kait’s bedroom floor. I laughed at Embry’s kicked puppy look as he walked out the door, so he did the mature thing, and stuck his tongue out at me. I was lying in bed an hour later, unable to sleep. It kinda pissed me off; I could normally fall asleep in five minutes and then sleep though a damn earthquake. I was about to take some Tylenol pm just so I could crash when I heard something smack against my window. What the hell? I went over to look and saw Paul standing below the window. I smiled as I opened the window,

“Paul, what the hell are you doing man?” He shrugged,
“I need to talk to you but I didn’t want to do it with everyone around.”
“Ok, meet me out front; we can talk on the porch swing.” He nodded and walked away; I grabbed a jacket and pulled on some shoes before walking downstairs and out the door. I found Paul already sitting on the swing, so I took a seat next to him and got close, knowing he wouldn’t mind if I used him as a space heater. He wrapped an arm around me and sighed. After ten minutes of not speaking I got a little worried, what was he trying to tell me. I was about to ask him when he spoke.

“Do you believe in soul mates?”
“Sure, it would be a pretty bleak existence if I didn’t believe in true love and that one person is ment for you. Why.”
“I was patrolling tonight and I realized something. Well, actually the guys forced the images into my head and I finally figured out what they meant.”
“Paul, what are you talking about? I’m not following here.”
“I imprinted on you Lil. You’re my soul mate, the one person that I’m supposed to be with forever.” I was shocked, I couldn’t speak.
“No, Paul, you can’t imprint on me. That’s not good. At all.” He looked really hurt, so I rushed to explain.

“No, it’s not you! I promise, it is NOT YOU. It’s just that, everyone I love dies, or they leave me. I can’t do that to someone else, I can’t lose anyone else.” I said, kissing his cheek and walking back inside, leaving him sitting in shock and confusion on the porch swing. What was I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, sorry about the wait loveys, I hope this chapter makes up for it. So, I'm going to ask for 8 comments to post the next chapter. Check out the character page for Kira, she based off my girl miss.CodyxRhodes. So let me know what you guys think, I'm not so sure I like this chapter

This is Kit Kat:

Alright, I know that above we stated that we wanted 8 comments, but since we got 4 comments before this chapter, we'll let you slide with 4 more. SOOOO hurry and comment, and you know, it wouldn't hurt to have more than the designated amount. XD

Love you much!!